5 Feb

MVM room “Marken”, B3051, 3rd floor (orange), Uppsala

SciLifeLab workshop

Meet Olga Vinnere Pettersson and Christian Tellgren-Roth from the National Genomics Infrastructure - Sweden SciLifeLab, Uppsala to discuss different options of amplicon sequencing, information about sample requirements, possibilities of sequencing at SciLifeLab, technology limitations, etc.

Feel free to contact Olga directly for further discussion, also video meetings possible: Olga.Pettersson@scilifelab.uu.se

SciLifeLab homepage: http://www.scilifelab.se/

SciLifeLab presentation 5/2 2015 can be found HERE



Time: 2015-02-05 13:00 - 15:30
City: Uppsala
Location: MVM room “Marken”, B3051, 3rd floor (orange)
Organiser: SLU barcoding network and FoSW
Last signup date: 4 February 2015
Additional info:

Things to discuss:

1. Methods! Howto, advantages/disadvantages, problems

2. Costs

3. Does SciLife lab provide Bioinformatic services?

4. How do you apply for analyses by Scilife lab?

5. Does SciLife lab provide DNA extraction?

6. New techniques: Shotgun-Sequencing mm.

7. What to consider when writing applications.

Your own questions! Make sure you take up the things you need to know, here is a chance!


Welcome with your registration to: maria.kahlert@slu.se


This event is organized in cooperation with the SLU-barcoding group, please see

