City: Uppsala
Location: MVM room “Marken”, B3051, 3rd floor (orange)
Organiser: SLU barcoding network and FoSW
Last signup date: 4 February 2015
Additional info:
Things to discuss:
1. Methods! Howto, advantages/disadvantages, problems
2. Costs
3. Does SciLife lab provide Bioinformatic services?
4. How do you apply for analyses by Scilife lab?
5. Does SciLife lab provide DNA extraction?
6. New techniques: Shotgun-Sequencing mm.
7. What to consider when writing applications.
Your own questions! Make sure you take up the things you need to know, here is a chance!
Welcome with your registration to: maria.kahlert@slu.se
This event is organized in cooperation with the SLU-barcoding group, please see