1 Oct
3 Oct

BioCentrum, Uppsala

Research communication with the media: training and skills acquisition, 2 HEC

The overall aim of this course is to equip students with skills and tools for effective communication of their scientific results with the media. These skills will be provided through individual assignments, group exercises, discussions, feedback and guidance with professional journalists, communicators and scientists used to communicate with media.

Target group:

PhD-students within research schools belonging to the NL-faculty. First priority will be given to registered students at the end of their PhD-studies (year 3 and 4).

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the course the student should be able to:

  • Write an effective press release about their research findings
  • Communicate in popular science terms their research findings to a wider audience
  • Discuss effectively with the media their research findings
  • Design an effective homepage
  • Be able to communicate through social media


Before the course starts, students will prepare: I) a mock press release, II) a popular scientific article about their projects and III) a draft personal homepage. Tutorials will be condcuted on how to write an effective press release and a popular science manuscript. The prepared material will be discussed in groups and feedback for improvement will be provided. Students will practice on each other the art of conducting and managing an interview about their PhD-project on camera. General aspects of the interviews will be discussed and individual feedback will be provided.     


Time: 2013-10-01 - 2013-10-03
City: Uppsala
Location: BioCentrum
Organiser: Food in Focus,FoSW, Organism Biology
Last signup date: 9 September 2013
Additional info:

Tentative sullabus is found here!
