6 Sep
31 Oct

MVM house Uppsala

Statistics in Practice

The aim of the course is to give PhD- students an overview of statistical methods used in ecology with a focus on research in soil and water, and an insight in the problems and pleasures of statistics. This course will focus on the practical usage of statistical methods in ecology, and should be seen as a complement to more theoretical and thorough statistical courses available at SLU and Uppsala University. PhD-students have been asked to suggest methods they would like to learn more about, and the themes covered in this course are largely based on their suggestions. The course will comprise six seminars where researchers present and discuss statistical methods used in their published papers. Each seminar will also include a practical exercise, which will have different forms on each occasion. Participating students are expected to read the paper(s) that will be discussed before the seminar, plus some more general literature about the statistical method. Students are also expected to bring their own data (problems) for the practical exercises.
