Location: Uppsala
Last signup date: 31 January 2016
Additional info:
We will mainly use the commercial software CANOCO v.5. SLU affiliated students can have the program installed. Talk to the IT people at your department. Fon non-SLU students: a trial version can be requested from MicroComputer Power by sending a mail to Dr. Richard Furnas asking for a trial version to be used for this course.
We will also demonstrate how the programs R, PAST and Simca can be used for selected multivariate methods.
We will do all exercises at a computer lab. You may bring your own laptop, provided that you have installed (at least) the trial version of CANOCO (see above).
Attendants must have basic experience in handling the Microsoft Windows operating system. A basic course in ordinary statistics is recommended. Students taking part 2 of the course must have own data to work with.
Ulf Grandin, David Angeler, Martyn Futter, Lars Sonesten
Course secretary:
Hannah Fried-Petersen (mailto:hannah.fried.petersen@slu.se)
Swedish PhD students will receive 3 ECTS credits for the first (lecture) part and 4.5 ECTS credits for completing the whole course.
There are several lodging alternatives in Uppsala. The hostel/hotel Sunnersta herrgård is located within walking distance from the SLU campus. In the city center, you can find many hotels and hostels (e,g, Uppsala City Hostel
For more information contact:
Ulf Grandin (course content etc.), e-mail: ulf.grandin@slu.se
Hannah Fried-Petersen (application, practical matters, etc.), e-mail: mailto:hannah.fried.petersen@slu.se
Applications should be sent to Hannah Fried-Petersen.
The application should contain information on:
- Name
- Personnummer
- Affiliation
- Will take only Part 1 or the Full course
All students must also send a certificate that they are PhD students, mail adress will be provided in the mail confirming that we have recieved your application.
There are a limited number of places at the course. Attendants will be accepted in the order we recieve the applications, i.e. first come, first served!
Last day for application is January 31, 2016.