Course organizers

Last changed: 22 May 2024

Organizing a doctoral course at the Faculty of Forest Sciences

Please contact the Research School coordinators if you intend to hold and coordinate a Doctoral Course within the faculty of Forest Sciences.

The "Template for doctoral course syllabus" is filled in. The syllabus is then submitted to the faculty via email to the registrar. For a general overview of the course creation, application, approval process, kindly consult the attached document. Make sure to consult with the SILVA coordinators before you submit the syllabus.

  • Courses at doctoral level are supported by the faculty with a sum per doctoral student who participates (61,000 SEK / 60 ECTS). For new courses, a planning grant of SEK 50,000 per course is also paid (only once per course). For courses that are given for second, third (etc.) time a grant of SEK 20000 is paid.
  • The course should be announced six months in advance via LADOK. In order to be able to include a doctoral course in LADOK, special eligibility is required, contact the course coordinator at the relevant department.
  • Doctoral students outside SLU must be registered by the administrator of the doctoral program before the start of the course with name, gender, social security number / date of birth, university and national domicile in order to import them in LADOK to approve and report.
  • You should also inform potential students about the course via the research students' mailing list (discuss with SILVA on how you want you course to be announced).
  • In order for a planning grant to be paid, the course must have at least 5 participants who complete the course. Support is paid for all PhD students (where at least 50% of the PhD students come from the faculty and for a maximum of 30 PhD students). Planning grants and support are requested from the faculty after the completion of the course. Use this form for applying for planning grant and support 
  • Another opportunity to finance courses is through the NOVA University Network. In order to receive financing, it is required that the course is given together with universities from two other Nordic countries. The courses are administered by the departments.
  • Support from the faculty is not paid for so-called basic courses funded by the Council for Postgraduate Education (FUR).
  • All courses should be evaluated after implementation. The completed evalutaion is sent to