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Drop-in – get help online!

At Drop-in, Wednesdays 13-15, you can get help with searching and using sources, and with academic language.

The Uppsala library relocates

The SLU University Library in Uppsala temporarily relocates to Ulls hus during the reconstruction of the current library building.

The main entrance at SLU Uppsala, photo

Libraries and opening hours

Here you can find contact details and opening hours for the SLU Libraries.

Students outside the entrance to the SLU building in Umeå, photo.

Reference list according to the Harvard system

Here you will find examples for writing a reference list according to the SLU Harvard style.

Long list of references, close up.

The Book Relay continues!

There are books that have meant a lot in our lives. In the Book Relay, staff, researchers and students at SLU highlight some of their greatest reading experiences. Forest Sciences student Joel Lindblom is next up!

Joel Lindblom, photo.