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Research and doctoral education stand for 70 per cent of SLU's turnover. Sound basic research is combined with more practical studies to solve concrete problems. The researchers often work interdisciplinarily.

An Eye for Science

Here we show some concrete examples on how SLU takes on fundamental issues that affect all of us.

R/V Svea investigates the sea

The new Swedish research vessel Svea is now ready to investigate the sea. She is a marine resource for research and environmental assessment.

The ship Svea

What does SLU do for the climate?

We provide knowledge, decision support and facts about climate solutions. We teach our students about sustainability and they inspire us to further reduce our impact on climate.

SLU works with the climate 52 weeks a year. Illustration: Michael Kvick, SLU


SITES (Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science) is a national research infrastructure for terrestrial and limnological field research, open to all scientists.

Different animals, plants and ecosystems. The text "SITES". Illustration.

Research news

Do you want to ask a question?

Jens Sundström is a plant researcher and also an external collaboration specialist in biotechnology.

Ask him or some other of our researchers. You can also search for publications from SLU.

Published: 04 July 2024 - Page editor: ew-red@slu.se