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  • WS_4

    (Score: 7 Type: SubStartPage)
    Modified 2024-11-29

    SASi-SPi Workstream 4 is working to enhance the knowledge and capacity of public, private and civil society stakeholders to engage, lead and advocate for the transition to sustainable agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture food systems effectively.

  • Carbon Forestry - a guide

    (Score: 7 Type: SubStartPage)
    Modified 2023-03-14

    A guide to assess social benefits from projects that aim to store carbon through tree planting, restoration or forest conservation.

  • Babatunde (Ola) Dosumu

    (Score: 7 Type: CvPage)
    Modified 2023-11-16

    ola.dosumu@slu.se Doktorand As part of my doctoral education, I jointly teach and coordinate the "Forest Mensuration and Biometry" module within the Bachelors Course: Trees: Structure and Function. Additionally, I have a guest lecture on "Forest Management in Nigeria" for 2nd year bachelor's

  • Desirée Guidobaldi Stenbacka

    (Score: 7 Type: CvPage)
    Modified 2023-12-14

    desiree.guidobaldi@slu.se I am currently undertaking a Ph.D. within wildlife movement ecology, investigating which landscape structure affects how herbivores use multifunctional forests, linked to browsing damage at multi-scales. 2012-2015 B.Sc. Environmental and Safety Engineering (180hp),

  • Emily Montgomerie

    (Score: 7 Type: CvPage)
    Modified 2023-09-14

    emily.montgomerie@slu.se I am a PhD student, starting in September 2023 at the division of Environmental communication, within the project Between trust and distrust – Expectations and knowledge coordination in policy production and governance of climate change and biodiversity problems. I will

  • SLU Partnership Alnarp

    (Score: 7 Type: SubStartPage)
    Modified 2023-07-11

    SLU Partnership Alnarp is an organisation for cooperation between SLU in Alnarp, the business community, public authorities and industry organisations in southern Sweden. We enable meetings that promote knowledge sharing and yield developmental advantages with a focus on agriculture, forestry and

  • SLU Platform Crop Production Systems

    (Score: 7 Type: SubStartPage)
    Modified 2024-12-17

    Cross-faculty subject area crop production systems. The platform aims at strengthening SLU's profile within crop production systems.

  • Department of Plant Protection Biology

    (Score: 7 Type: SubStartPage)
    Modified 2024-10-31

    Department of Plant Protection Biology Research Networks Learn more about Plant Protection elin.isberg@slu.se Jobs and Vacancies at the Department Upcoming PhD courses Analytical methods in chemical ecology  June 10 - June 20 2024 white

  • Ecology - basics and applications

    (Score: 7 Type: SubStartPage)
    Modified 2024-03-04

    A research school for PhD students with an interest in basic and applied ecological research.

  • Josefine Jerlström

    (Score: 7 Type: CvPage)
    Modified 2024-02-07

    josefine.jerlstrom@slu.se I am an agronomist in Animal Science, with a master's degree in Animal Science. My PhD project is interdisciplinary and aims to investigate the link between economics and animal welfare at slaughter. I am stationed at SLU in Uppsala. My journey in animal welfare and
