Terms and conditions

Last changed: 15 August 2024

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1. General conditions for account creation

These terms of use concern user accounts connected with web services managed by SLU Swedish Species Information Centre at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). All data used by these services is controlled by the Information and Secrecy Act (OSL) and is managed according to Swedish law.

These terms of use regulate the services that you have access to as an in-logged user of SLU Swedish Species Information Centre web services. For more information concerning the regulations that govern the use of the web services see the home page of SLU Swedish Species Information Centre. You can find information here on, for example, guidance on how to cite the sites and copyright.

2. Use of personal information

By creating a user account you enter into an agreement with SLU Swedish Species Information Centre on the provision of services. In order to deliver these services it is necessary for SLU to handle personal information. By entering into this agreement you confirm that you have read the information concerning the management of personal information in the web services of SLU Swedish Species Information Centre and that you understand that your personal information will be handled by SLU as described.

3. Cookies

As an account holder you agree that cookies are used. Cookies are information that are saved to your computer so that the website will function correctly. You are unable to log in without cookies.

4. User account management

A user account at SLU Swedish Species Information Centre cannot be deleted by the account holder. SLU Swedish Species Information Centre withholds the right to close a user account.

5. General obligations of user account holders

5.1 Account holder can be identified

It must be possible to identify those who create a user account at SLU Swedish Species Information Centre. It is not permitted to create a user account under a false name. SLU Swedish Species Information Centre has the right to close user accounts that lack clearly identifiable owners.

5.2 Account information must be kept securely

The user account holder must not reveal their password and must ensure that others do not have access to it.

5.3 User account holder is contactable

The user account owner must be contactable via the email address provided in the user account information.

5.4 User account holders access to non-public information

As a user account holder you can, in certain circumstances, have access to data that is not shown publically. Handling of information you obtain due to special access rights is regulated by law and a separate agreement.

6. Specific conditions

Conditions for reporting

1. Account holders obligations related to the uploading of information

1.1 You are responsible for the quality of the information

The user account holder is responsible for the information uploaded to the web services and must not deliberately, or through carelessness, provide erroneous information. SLU Swedish Species Information Centre withholds the right to close a user account in the event of misuse. Additional terms of use for the reporting of observation data can be found in Section 8.

1.2 You are responsible for ensuring that copyright holders have given their permission

When uploading copyright protected material, for example pictures as supporting material to an observation, you give your permission for publication and confirm that other copyright holders have given their permission. The account holder is responsible for providing the correct name of the copyright holder.

1.3 Banned content

It is not permitted to use SLU Swedish Species Information Centre’s web services to upload, or in another manner, distribute, images, comments, or other content that is unlawful, offensive, infringes the rights of others or damages SLU Swedish Species Information Centre’s or SLU’s reputation in any way.

It is not permitted to use SLU Swedish Species Information Centre’s web services to upload, or in another manner distribute images, comments or other material that include advertisements, campaign material, spam, chain letters, or other such material that does not obviously have a connection to the business of SLU Swedish Species Information Centre.

It is not permitted to upload to SLU Swedish Species Information Centre’s web services, or in another manner, make available material where it is possible to identify other people than the user account holder themselves, for example images where a person’s face is clearly visible or a sound recording where a person’s voice is distinctly audible.

Content that does not follow these regulations will be removed and SLU Swedish Species Information Centre has the right to close the user account.

2. Handling of uploaded information

The term uploaded information refers to all data, text, and media files that the user account holder displays in SLU Swedish Species Information Centre’s web services either via uploading or in any other manner.

2.1 Information is shown free and openly

The main principle is that uploaded information is made openly available. The information that you upload for public view in SLU Swedish Species Information Centre’s web services are free for all to use according to the regulations of SLU Swedish Species Information Centre’s website See.

2.2 Information is stored

In certain circumstances you may need to make changes in the information you yourself have loaded up. Additional special terms of use for making changes in observation data are described in paragraph 8.2. All the information uploaded to SLU Swedish Species Information Centre’s web services, together with all changes, are stored in the data history and cannot be deleted by the user account holder.

2.3 Certain information can be concealed

All uploaded information can be assessed for accuracy by SLU Swedish Species Information Centre or designated evaluators. Routines for the quality assessment of observation data are described in paragraph 8.4 concerning the observations of sensitive species.

Information may also be concealed due to other reasons, see for example point 3.4.

Requests for the release of data are assessed in accordance with the Information and Secrecy Act (OSL).

3. Special additional terms of use for observation data

The term uploaded information refers to all data, text, and media files with a connection to species observations and their localities.

3.1 Images and other media as supporting information for observations

Images and other media files that are uploaded, or linked, to a specific observation must show the observed individual or the observation locality. Alternatively they may depict other features connected to the observation, for example, scat, nest or tracks. SLU Swedish Species Information Centre has the right to remove images and links that do not comply with these rules or the conditions under sections 1.2 and 1.3.

3.2 Changing observation information

The user account holder normally has editing rights for their or their own organisation’s, observation information. The user account holder can change or update observation information as long as the observation has not been locked, for example assessed to be either incorrect or endorsed after the validation process (see point 3.3). If the reporter wishes to change a locked observation they must contact SLU Swedish Species Information Centre or a validator who can open the observation.

In certain circumstances it may be possible to transfer editing responsibility between user account holders. This requires the consent of both parties.

3.3 Validation of observation information

Your observation data may be evaluated by special assessors (validators). An observation that is endorsed after validation acquires a validation tag which is shown publically. A rejected observation is not deleted but is concealed from public view.

3.4 Handling of sensitive observation information

The underlying principle is that observations are openly visible. But to meet the challenges of different threats to sensitive species (e.g. disturbance or collecting) there is a more restrictive handling of information surrounding these species. Such species have a concealment classification restricting the release of information concerning the species. The concealment classifications are determined by SLU Swedish Species Information Centre in collaboration with expert committees and are constantly under review.

Observation information about species with a concealment classification is either geographically diffused or concealed depending on the classification level. All of the observation information is displayed only for the reporter and those with special access privileges, for example environmental officers working at county councils or governmental agencies who may obtain access to relevant information on concealed species. In addition, and with various restrictions, these data may be available to researchers or environmental consultancies who are working on environmental projects.

Requests for the release of data are assessed in accordance with the Information and Secrecy Act (OSL).

3.5 User account holder can temporarily conceal an observation

The user account holder can, for a limited period, conceal from public viewing an observation for a non-concealed classified species provided that at least one of the following criteria is met:
• Ongoing project or research
• Disturbance sensitive locality
• Regionally disturbance sensitive species
• Species has been proposed to be included in the national concealment classification system.

Requests for the release of data are assessed in accordance with the Information and Secrecy Act (OSL)

Conditions for accountless reporting

1. In "Eftersökta arter" you can anonymously report species that are wanted for a specific nature conservation purpose.

1.1 You must attach an image when reporting without an account, so that your find can be quality-checked by experts. For copyright reasons, you may only attach your own photographs, and by uploading them you agree that you will not be named as the photographer.

1.2 You must provide certain personal data so that we can contact you in the event of any ambiguities during review. Your report is published in Artportalen after the find has been reviewed and approved. No personal data is displayed in Artportalen.

2. Create account

Create an account if you report often, or if you want to report without an image, search for or manage your finds in Artportalen. When you report with an account, you choose which personal data to display. If you are logged in, but still choose to report here, your report ends up directly in Artportalen.

Conditions for withdrawal of data

1. Conditions for withdrawal of data

1.1 Data from SLU's research and environmental analysis should be as openly available as possible, with as few restrictions as possible.

1.2 Published information may be quoted with an indication of the source, but not used for commercial purposes without permission, or in a way that could damage SLU. Nor may the design of the web applications be copied and used for other purposes.

1.3 For linking to SLU Artdatabanken's web applications, which means that copyright-protected material is made visible in a new context, the author's name must be visible, and the source must be stated according to the citation instructions for the respective web application.

1.4 Users do not have the right to freely download text or images/media from our web applications. Anyone who has questions about the right to use images or texts from our web applications can in the first instance contact the author alt. contact SLU Artdatabanken via e-mail upphovsratt@artdatabanken.se.

1.5 In order to create and export species lists in the My species function in Artfakta, you need to create an account.

See how you are recommended quote below.

7. Changes to the terms of use

SLU Swedish Species Information Centre withholds the right to change these terms of use including the regulations concerning SLU Swedish Species Information Centre’s web site (see Section 1). SLU Swedish Species Information Centre will attempt to communicate such changes via email but this is not required for the changes to become valid.

8. In case of dispute

This agreement is governed by Swedish substantive law. Disputes connected to the agreement shall be settled in a Swedish court with Uppsala district court the first instance.

These terms of use are written in Swedish and the Swedish language will govern any interpretation.


Recommended citation

SLU Artdatabanken (year of publication). Artfakta. https://www.artfakta.se [access date]

Example specific species
SLU Artdatabanken (2024). Artfakta: Hydrocharis morsus-ranae. https://artfakta.se/taxa/220991 [2024-06-18]

SLU Artdatabanken (year of publication). Artportalen. https://www.artportalen.se [access date]

Example specific finding:
SLU Artdatabanken (2024). Artportalen: Detailed find information. https://www.artportalen.se/Sighting/110157322 [2024-08-14]


Cecilia Nordström, Communications
Swedish Species Information Centre, SLU
cecilia.nordstrom@slu.se, 018-672441, 072-2032967