Our employees
Our employees are passionate about their work and want to see you and your institution succeed with your conference activities and events. We have over 30 years of experience with both large and small conferences and events in Uppsala, as well as in other locations in Sweden.

Addresses and contact information
- Karolinska Institutet, 08-524 833 00, akademikonferens@ki.se
- SLU, 018-67 10 03, conference@slu.se
- Uppsala University, 018-471 57 30, info@akademikonferens.uu.se
Visiting address UppsalaBioCentrum Alma´s allé 5
Visiting address SolnaAkademikonferens, |
Delivery address UppsalaSLU Godsmottagning
Delivery address SolnaAkademikonferens, 8D, |
Postal address UppsalaBox 7059
Postal address SolnaAkademikonferens |
Invoice address
SLU Fakturahantering
Ref 151XXX (exchange XXX for personal reference code)
Box 7090
750 07 Uppsala
VAT number
The financials of Academic Conferences are under governance of SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, VAT number: SE202100281701