Data Management Support
SLU Data Management Support (DMS) assists SLU employees with data management - from planning, including data management plans, to publishing, long-term preservation, archiving and the reuse of research and environmental assessment data.
Wednesday, 22 JanuaryStaff web Library On start page staff web Externfinansiering
Open access, open data and data management plans – how to meet funders’ requirements (in English)
Wednesday, 22 JanuaryStaff web Library On start page staff web Externfinansiering
Open access, open data and data management plans – how to meet funders’ requirements (in Swedish)
Recently published SLU data
SLU data in SND's research data catalogue, curated by DMS. All SLU data in SND's research data catalogue
Target Tailored Forest Damage Inventory (TFDI) - Damage by bark...
Inventories of forest damage are carried out within the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Forests programme. An annual monitoring of the most important sources of forest damage is carried out by the Swedish National Forest inventory (NFI). Although the Swedish NFI is an objective and uniform inventory of forest damage in Swedish forests at national and regional scales, less common or less widespread occurrences of forests pests and pathogens are difficult to survey solely...
Data for "Cellular Damage Triggers Mechano-Chemical Control of Cell...
Confocal microscopy, electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy images of Arabidopsis thaliana roots, both in wild plants and mutant plants or plants under chemical treatment. The images show cell division phenotypes in pericycle cells, mainly stained with the specific cellulose dye calcofluor white. These results are part of an investigation that seeks to dissect the molecular bases that regulate the regeneration response in Arabidopsis roots after mechanical damage. Mechanical damage...