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SLU's data management guides

Here you will find resources to help you plan your data management, write a data management plan, publish data, make data more FAIR, and much more.

How to store scientific data at SLU

There are several options available for storing scientific data safely at SLU. This guide will help you navigate the different options.

Server. Illustration.

How to set up a DMP in DMPonline

A guide to creating a DMPonline account and setting up a data management plan to help you manage your data and meet the requirements of research funders.

Clipboard with checklist. Illustration.

How to publish data via SND

All SLU staff can publish scientific data and data descriptions free of charge via the Swedish National Data Service (SND). Read our guide to find out how!

Logo with geometric figures in blue and red. Illustration.

How to create descriptions in SLU's environmental data catalogue

SLU's environmental data catalogue contains openly available data from SLU's environmental monitoring and assessment. This guide describes how to create and edit data description pages for the catalogue.

A pen writing. Illustration.

How to make data FAIR

The FAIR principles aim to improve the reusability of scientific data. This guide will help you get started on making the data you work with more FAIR.

Ett förstoringsglas, en hand som trycker på en knapp, kugghjul och pilar som bildar en cirkel. Illustration.

Publishing research software openly

Here you can find information on how to publish research software openly. You can find guidance on where to publish, what to consider when writing code, how to choose a licence, how to prepare your software for publication, and how to make your software understandable, reusable and citable.

Laptop. Illustration.
Published: 19 March 2025 - Page editor: dms@slu.se