How to set up a DMP in DMPonline

Last changed: 01 July 2024
Clipboard with checklist. Illustration.

This guide will help you to set up a DMPonline account and to create a data management plan. A data management plan can facilitate your data management and help you fulfil the requirements set by funders and outlined in the SLU Data Management Policy.

DMPonline is a web-based tool to help you create, review, and share a data management plan (DMP). It is available free of charge to all SLU staff and students and contains templates meeting the requirements of most major funders.

DMPs created in DMPonline are stored online for easy access and sharing. They can, however, be exported and saved locally (e.g., as .pdf, .docx, .csv).

SLU provides two instutional templates that meet the requirements of, for instance, VR, Formas, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Horizon Europe, and SLU (in accordance with SLU's data management policy).

Create an account

The first time you use DMPonline you will have to create an account.

  1. Go to the 'Create account' tab.
  2. Fill in the form. Use your SLU email address and enter 'Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences' as your organisation. This will link your DMPonline account to your SLU-AD account.
  3. Click on 'Create account'.

You can now access DMPonline with your SLU login or your email and the password you have chosen for DMPonline.

Sign in

Once you have created an account, you can sign in to DMPonline using your SLU credentials (i.e., AD username + password) or your SLU email address and the password you chose when you created your account.

To sign in using your SLU credentials:

  1. Go to the 'Sign in' tab.
  2. Click on 'Sign in with your institutional credentials'.
  3. Enter 'SLU' and select 'Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences' in the 'Enter your organization's name' field and click 'Continue'. Or, if you have signed in recently, click on the SLU logo.
  4. Use your SLU AD-account information to sign in to DMPonline.

To log in with your email and DMPonline password:

  1. Go to the 'Sign in' tab.
  2. Enter your email address and DMPonline password.
  3. Click on 'Sign in'.

Create a new DMP

Once you are signed in, you can create a DMP.

  1. Go to the 'Create plans' tab.
  2. Enter the name of your project.
  3. The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences is the research organisation for most projects, so this field is already filled in.
  4. Tick the box 'No funder associated with this plan or my funder is not listed'.
  5. Choose a template: Select 'SLU-HorizonEurope' when creating a DMP for projects funded by Horizon Europe. Select 'SLU-General' when creating a DMP for all other projects. See 'Using templates' below for more information.
  6. Click on the 'Create plan'-button.
  7. The plan will be created. Before starting to work on your plan, uncheck the 'Digital Curation Centre'-box ('Project Details' tab, 'Select Guidance' on the right) and click 'Save'. When using the SLU templates, SLU-specific guidance and support text is available. General SLU advice is also available under the 'Plan Overview' tab.
  8. Use the instructions in DMPonline to complete the mandatory fields in the 'Write Plan' tab.

Good luck! And remember, you can always contact SLU's Data Management Support (DMS) if you need help with your DMP. See 'Support at SLU' and 'How to request feedback in DMPonline' further down.

SLU templates

SLU provides two institutional templates. 'SLU-General' has been developed to meet the requirements from all major Swedish funders, while 'SLU-HorizonEurope has been designed to meet the requirements specific to Horizon Europe. To select one of the two SLU templates available, tick the 'No funder associated with this plan or my funder is not listed' box (see screengrab below).

Screengrab from the online tool DMPOnline.

Screengrab of DMPonline. When the "No funder..." box is ticked, the SLU templates become available.


Meets the requirements of VR, Formas, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Should also be used for SLU-funded projects and projects funded by funding agencies that have not defined any requirements regarding DMPs or DMP formats.


Meets the requirements of Horizon Europe.

Other funders

Please contact DMS ( if you have received funding from a funder not listed here and/or have questions about writing a DMP.

Request feedback in DMPonline

Go to the 'Request feedback' tab within your plan and click 'Request feedback'. Your plan will then be made available to a member of SLU's Data Management Support (DMS) team who will review your plan and respond with comments.

If the data management plan is part of a grant application and you need a quick response, please contact DMS directly (

Edit an existing plan

Go to the 'My Dashboard' tab. Here, you will find a list of the plans you have created as well as the plans that others have shared with you. You can edit a plan by selecting 'Edit' (under 'Actions').

Download your plan

Go to the 'Download' tab within your plan. Under 'Format', select the file format. Depending on the format selected, there are different options, such as whether or not to include unanswered questions. Finally, click on 'Download Plan'.

Share your plan

To share your plan with someone, go to the 'Share' tab in your plan. Add the email addresses of the people you want to share your plan with and select the permissions you want. Finally, click 'Submit'. Note that the person you want to share your plan with must have a DMPonline account to view it.

You can also share your DMP more openly, either by making it completely public (i.e., anyone can view it) or by making it visible within SLU (i.e., any SLU staff or student with a DMPonline account can view it). This is done by selecting the desired level of openness under the heading 'Set plan visibility' in the 'Share' tab.

Fully open DMPs can be found here: Public DMPs.

DMP registration and archiving

A DMP should be registered in SLU's case and records management system Public 360 together with the other administrative documents of the project it relates to (proposal, contract, etc.).

Registration and archiving are carried out by the person responsible for registration and archiving in the departmental administration. Instructions can be found in Public 360:

Webinars on data management plans

SLU's Data Management Support (DMS) has held introductory webinars on data management plans to help you get started with DMPonline. The webinars have been recorded and can be viewed in SLU Play.



Support at SLU

SLU Data Management Support (DMS) assists SLU employees and students in matters of data management. If you have any questions about DMPs or are interested in DMP support (or anything else related to data management), please contact DMS via email ( or use our web form to book a Data Date.

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