SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
Libraries and opening hours
SLU has agreements in place with several publishers that allow you as a researcher to publish your research article open access free of charge or at a discounted rate.
The corresponding author must state SLU as their main affiliation to be eligible for open access free of charge, or for discounts to apply. The author who submits the manuscript to the publisher is considered the corresponding author. The terms that publishers may use for this are, for example, ‘submitting’, ‘responsible’ or ‘primary author’.
The agreements typically cover article types called ‘original research’, ‘review article’, and similar. ‘Editorial’, ‘comment’, ‘short communication’ and the like are not covered. Note that other charges are not covered by the agreements, such as ‘page charges’ and ‘handling fees’.
The Open Access (OA) fee is covered by SLU for many journals. Always check that the journal you intend to publish in is covered by the agreement. You can do this here:
SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
Libraries and opening hours