SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
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SLU has a policy for scientific publishing and guidelines for publications that are published by the university. The policy aims to promote the development towards open science and that results of the scientific work conducted at SLU are to be disseminated, made visible, and put to use. Guidelines for publications published by SLU aim to ensure the quality of SLU's own publications and create conditions for increased accessibility, visibility and use.
The policy describes SLU's declaration of intent concerning scientific publishing. It is aimed at SLU employees who publish and at heads of department (or equivalent) who in their role have overall responsibility for their department/unit's publication. The policy covers the following areas:
The guidelines are mandatory and are aimed at those who are going to write or produce a work that will be published by SLU and those who are responsible for the publication at a faculty, department or other organizational unit. The guidelines cover the following areas:
There is a separate policy for managing research and environmental monitoring and assessment data at SLU.
SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
Libraries and opening hours