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Register and publish

Everything you publish as a researcher at SLU should be registered in the SLU publication database. The database is used for displaying SLU research on the web, for export of publication data to national systems, and for evaluations and performance-based funding. Student projects are published in Epsilon.

Guide for registering your publications

Here is a guide for registering your publications in the SLU publication database and making them openly available.

Publishing your thesis

Doctoral and licentiate theses should be registered and uploaded in the SLU publication database for open access publishing. Here you will find more information about the process.

Dissertations on a row, photo

Publishing student projects

Student projects are published by the department administrator. Here is a guide for publishing student projects in Epsilon.

Two students are working in a laboratory, photo.

Publishing policy and guidelines

SLU has a policy for scientific publishing and guidelines for publications that are published by the university. Here you will find information about purpose, target group and content.

Scientific journal on Ipad.

Document templates

Here you can find document templates in Word for student theses and SLU publications. You will also find information and help on how to use the templates.

Laptop with book inside, photo.

How to publish data via SND

All SLU staff can publish scientific data and data descriptions free of charge via the Swedish National Data Service (SND). Read our guide to find out how!

Logo with geometric figures in blue and red. Illustration.
Published: 10 March 2025 - Page editor: bib-webbredaktionen@slu.se