How you enter SLU affiliation when publishing

Last changed: 10 March 2025

Correct affiliation is important for what you publish to be found and linked to SLU and your department in databases and bibliometric analyses such as evaluations and allocation of funds. This page provides examples on how your SLU affiliation should be stated when you publish articles, books, reports, conference papers, datasets, etc.

The name of the university

  • The name of the university should be Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
  • The abbreviation “SLU” is not to be used.

How to write a complete affiliation

Enter the full address according to one of the two examples below (the parts in bold are mandatory):

  • Department name, possible further attributes, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, postal address with box- and postal number, Sweden
  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department name, possible further attributes, postal address with box- and postal number, Sweden

"Possible further attributes" can be used to state the name of a division or collaborative centre, and similar that is based on collaboration. 

Good examples of SLU addresses

Depending on where you publish there could be different rules for what data you can include and in what order. Below are three examples of addresses that work well (the parts in bold are mandatory):

  • Department of Crop Production Ecology, Linnean Centre for Plant Biology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
  • Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, Umeå Plant Science Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 901 83 Umeå, Sweden
  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Freshwater Research, Stångholmsvägen 2, SE-178 93 Drottningholm, Sweden

Multiple affiliations are only stated when you have multiple positions

You should only use multiple affiliations (several separate addresses) when there is employment at the stated addresses and the published research has been conducted within the framework of these employments.

Correct affiliation is important for several reasons

  • In order to be able to identify a university's published research outputs by searching for it based on the authors affiliation specified in the address. This is used by international and national actors to create the basis for bibliometric analyses.
  • In the SLU publication database SLUpub, everything that is registered is linked to the relevant department. In the validation process by the Library, the author’s stated affiliation forms the basis for this link.
  • In order for citation databases (eg Web of Science, Scopus) to be able to identify and bring together published research outputs for an organization. Use of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences ensures that this can be done.
  • It is also important to specify the country in the address as it is a criterion often used when identifying published research outputs for an organization (Name of organization + country).