SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
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This course will give you valuable skills and insights that will make your work easier and more effective. The course is addressed to you who is admitted to PhD studies at SLU and corresponds to 3 HECS. On this page you can learn more about the course and also get to the registration page.
The course has a broad approach to information retrieval and scientific communication. It contains all the steps in the research process, from search strategies to communication of research results. Teachers on the course are experts on:
The course is completely web based without any scheduled lectures and is given at part-time pace, which gives you great liberty to plan your participation in the course, irrespective of working place. The course is mainly based on self-studies and all learning activities, submission of tasks and communication are done via SLU's learning platform. Please notice that there are set assignment deadlines throughout the course and some of the assignments require collaboration with other course participants during a given time.
The course is given in English.
3 Higher Education Credit (HEC)
Place: Web based, without any physical meetings
Prerequisites: Admitted to PhD studies at SLU
Language: English
To develop participants knowledge of factors affecting search process, scientific communication, source criticism and critical evaluation of publications. To develop the skills needed for effective and methodical work with information retrieval and handling of references and scientific material. To illustrate and problematise research information management, as well as the conditions and practices of scientific communication and publication.
After completing the course the participants should be able to:
Completing compulsory assignments, which include written tasks, quizzes and contributions on discussion forums.
SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
Libraries and opening hours