SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
Libraries and opening hours
EndNote is a reference management program. There are citation styles, called output styles in EndNote, to format your references according to the SLU Harvard style. On this page we have gathered information about the program, the output styles and how to use the program.
SLU has a campus license for EndNote and is installed on all campus computers. If you have an SLU computer EndNote for PC is available in the Software Center, or in Self Service for Mac users. If you are a student, you can download it from the software share (log in required).
EndNote features:
If you have EndNote installed on your computer, you need to synchronize your library to the web-based EndNote Online, in order to share your library with colleagues. Also, you can download references to EndNote Online on any computer and then synchronize to your EndNote desktop.
If you don't have EndNote desktop installed, you can still use EndNote Online but with limited functionality. You have lesser storage and fewer output styles to use, and no access to SLU Harvard-style.
EndNote is program with a lot of functionality. There are several guides that help you get started using EndNote, and help if you run into problems:
With the SLU output styles for EndNote you can easily format your reference list according to the SLU Harvard style for dissertations and theses.
SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
Libraries and opening hours