SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
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With SLU:s output styles for EndNote you can easily format your reference list according to SLU:s standard for dissertations and theses.
The output style can be used with EndNote desktop version. Download the output style:
For the output style to work with EndNote it is important to install the file in the right folder.
\\[server name]\home$\[user name]\Documents\EndNote\Styles (on a SLU computer)
C:\Program files\\EndNote [version number]\Styles (on a computer outside the SLU network)
Create the folders EndNote and Styles if they are missing. In your home directory you might find an EndNote folder containing the folder Examples but the style will not work if you put in into that folder. It is however possible to create an EndNote folder beside the existing one and create a Styles folder in the new one.
Applications/EndNote [version number]/Styles
The reference list may not be completely formatted even if you use an output style. EndNote inserts the information in correct order, inserts punctuation marks and italicizes some information. EndNote also puts formats to the text like font size, paragraph indent and paragraph spacing that not necessarily are the ones you want. If you use a template containing a special style for references, you need to change text formats by applying the intended style to the reference list.
SLU University Library, 018-67 35 00
Libraries and opening hours