Martin Westin
Researcher at SLU
Dialogue-based governance is a promising way to involve actors from many perspectives. Yet, dialogue is challenging in the face of conflicts and power imbalances. We develop knowledge about power and conflict in participatory practices and design power-sensitive and conflict-aware environmental communication.
Governmental organisations often use dialogue-based approaches in governance for sustainability. The intention is to involve relevant actors that represent a variety of perspectives and positions – from businesses to landowners to activists and citizens – to ensure that policy interventions are socially legitimate and effective.
While dialogue processes are a valuable tool for inclusive, legitimate and effective governance, their implementation is often fraught with difficulties, usually due to challenges related to power relationships and conflict.
Within MISTRA Environmental Communication, we translate recent research on power and conflict into participatory practices. Together with societal partners, we co-develop ways to design power-sensitive and conflict-aware environmental communication.
We work with the following cases:
Within the focus area, a network has been created for those who want to develop sustainability dialogues. Read more about the network and sign up at (in Swedish).
Martin Westin, Researcher at Uppsala University and SLU
Camilo Calderon, Researcher at SLU
Lars Hallgren, Senior Lecturer at SLU
Alexander Hellquist, Facilitator at Uppsala University
Annette Löf, Researcher at SLU
Amelia Mutter, Researcher at SLU
Kaisa Raitio, Associate Professor at SLU
Researcher at SLU
Dialogue and collaboration network
Power and ambivalence in practitioner’s stories (Speedtalk by Amelia Mutter)
Understanding government-led dialogues in Sápmi (Speedtalk by Kaisa Raitio and Annette Löf)
Full title: Frontstage and Backstage processes in collaboration and dialogue in Swedish natural resource management (Speedtalk by Lars Hallgren)
Participation post Covid-19: lessons from planners’ stories (Blog post written by Martin Westin for SLU Urban futures.
Facilitation is a matter of power (Blog post written by Martin Westin)
Rethinking power in participatory planning: Towards reflective practice (PhD thesis Martin Westin)
Short video on dialogue, power and conflict
Reflektionscykeln – ett stödmaterial för dig som leder dialoger och samverkan
Statens roll efter Girjasdomen (Essä i Dagens Arena)
Att leda samverkan: en handbok för dig som vill hantera komplexa samhällsproblem
Medborgardialog om komplexa samhällsfrågor: konsensus, agonism eller mobilisering?