SLU news

New thesis: Reframing Bush-Fire Communication for Sustainability

Published: 30 May 2024
Forest on fire, photo.

Max Whitman, PhD student within Mistra Environmental Communication is defending his thesis “Reframing Bush-Fire Communication for Sustainability” on the 5th of June 07:00.

Human-fire relations have gained traction in the public discourse in the last decade as uncontrollable wildfires have entered news feeds. This relationship between humans and fires will only increase in importance as the planet warms. Fires are, however, more than just forces of destruction. During the last three years of research, Max has used co-creation to understand how to navigate human-fire relationships meaningfully to nurture sustainable relationships. In his presentation, Max will share insights on co-creation as a research method and governance approach. Additionally, Max will share insights from his two research contexts: (1) savannah restoration and fire management in eastern Honduras and (2) landscape multifunctionality in central Sweden.

Are you interested in listening? Welcome to partake on Zoom!


