SLU news

Undercover Heroes Podcast

Published: 24 March 2022
Two men and a woman are sitting around a table with microphones in front of them. Photo.

Aristeidis Progoulakis, Amelie C. Grassl and Baraka Lulandala are three Environmental Communication and Management master students who have started the Undercover Heroes Podcast.

- Undercover heroes are people who contribute making the world a safer place within their area of environmental expertise. In every episode, we uncover a hero's story of knowledge and experiences. We aim to talk about environmental research in an easy-going way, says the podcast team.

In the first episode, you can listen to our programme director Anke Fischer. 

In the fourth episode, you can listen to a discussion with Malte Rödl from the work package Media and arts.


Link to the podcast on Spotify

Link to the podcast on Apple Podcasts

More information: 
Instagram: @undercoverheroespodcast
Facebook: @UndercoverHeroesPodcast
