Ort: Uppsala
CRU invites all interested to the half-day symposium "Snapshots of research on udder health around the world" December 5th, 2019. The symposium is held 9:30-11:45 in room Tanngrisner 2, 5th floor in the VHC building, SLU, Uppsala. Please register to cru@slu.se for coffee and sandwich (deadline December 2).
09.30-09.40 Renée Båge, Sigrid Agenäs
Welcome, introduction
09.40-09.55 Åsa Lundberg (Växa Sverige)
Farmer attitudes to risk factors for mastitis in dairy cows
09.55-10.10 Karl Pedersen (SVA, Sweden)
Identification of mastitis pathogens and their antibiotic resistance in Denmark
10.10-10.25 Gerrit Koop (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Molecular epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in Ethiopian smallholder dairy farms
10.25-10.40 Coffee break
10.40-10.55 Rodrigo Carvalho Bicalho (Cornell University, USA)
New insights into Gram negative mastitis
10.55-11.10 Davide Porcellato (NMBU, Norway)
Is there a core microbiota in the udder and does it change in mastitis?
11.10-11.25 Mark McGuire (University of Idaho, USA)
Updates on the bovine milk microbiome and inflammation from Idaho
11.25-11.40 Monika Johansson (SLU, Sweden)
From udder health to milk quality
11.40-11.45 Concluding remarks
You are also most welcome December 5th, when Jean-Baptiste Ndahetuye, Dept of Clinical Sciences, SLU, defends his doctoral thesis "Mastitis in dairy cows in Rwanda: characterization, prevalence, aetiology, antimicrobial resistance and effects on milk quality", at 13.15 in room Audhumbla, entrance floor, VHC building, SLU, Uppsala.
And December 6th, when Josef Dahlberg, Dept of Animal Nutrition and Management, SLU, defends his doctoral thesis "Bovine milk microbiota - methods matter", at 13.15 in room Audhumbla, entrance floor, VHC building, SLU, Uppsala.
Centrum för reproduktionsbiologi i Uppsala, CRU
cru@slu.se, 018-67 21 74