17 apr


CRU lunch seminar: The effect of seminal plasma on stallion sperm cryo-survival

seminarier, workshops |

Welcome to CRU’s lunch seminar April 17. PhD student Essraa Al-Essawe, Department of Clinical Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, will present her work with the title “The effect of seminal plasma on stallion sperm cryo-survival”. The seminar starts at 12:15, in room Ratatosk, VHC building, SLU, Uppsala.

If you would like a lunch sandwich, register for the seminar to cru@slu.se no later than April 10. Please report any allergies or if you want a vegetarian option. Sandwiches will be served from 12.


Tid: 2019-04-17 12:15 - 13:00
Ort: Uppsala


Centrum för reproduktionsbiologi i Uppsala, CRU
cru@slu.se018-67 21 74