Ort: Trondheim
Lokal: Clarion Hotel & Congress
Arrangör: European Society for Rural Sociology
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Clarion Hotel & Congress , Trondheim
It has been over 25 years since EU wide legislation helped catalyse the organic farming and food movement, creating a global market for organic products and introduce a range of support mechanisms. The challenge of that social movement remains vital, as it has to cope with the challenge of healthy growth in potential collaboration with the conventional sector while at the same time avoiding the danger of being co-opted by conventional structures.
At the same time, the 'old' organic movement is increasingly challenged by new 'young' movements and forms of agriculture such as urban food, permaculture, 'uncertified organic' and supply chains outside of those dominated by the supermarkets. In places, and at times, this has resulted in tensions between the goals of the movement and the aspirations of a commercial sector engaged in provisioning consumers. On-farm processes of generational change are leading to changes within households, while agronomic developments claim to blur the boundaries between organic and non-organic production. At the same time, newcomers to alternative food movements seem to challenge organic ideas while suggesting more radical approaches to alternative food production. Given the changes in the sector and the movement, it is timely to revisit the topic to note the changes. The global organic movement has offered a reformulation of the organic prospectus in its Organic 3.0 document; this session looks to scholars to meet that challenge.