Ort: Online
Välkommen till Karin Anderssons halvtidsseminarium!
Opponent: professor Thomas Kätterer, Institutionen för ekologi, SLU
Ordförande: Elsa Arrazola
Pedagogisk utvärderare: Sandra Wolters
Zoomlänk: Meeting ID: 697 3557 0965, Passcode: 595751
Tid: 13.30-14.30
Can solid/liquid separation or anaerobic digestion of cattle slurry increase the nitrogen use efficiency in crop production? How does slurry C/N ratio and the type of bedding material added to the slurry affect N turnover and crop N uptake? And how effective is slurry acidification and shallow soil incorporation in reducing the ammonia emissions after slurry spreading? These are some of the questions I will address at my halftime seminar, where I will present results from both field- and lab experiments.
Animal slurry contains plant nutrients such as N, which are essential for crop production, but can also cause environmental problems through e.g. ammonia losses. In my PhD project, I’m looking at different ways to increase the nitrogen efficiency, by treatments focused on reducing the carbon content of cattle slurry and by reducing ammonia emissions after land application.
lisbet.lewan@slu.se 018-67 26 29