Ort: Uppsala
Lokal: Audhumbla, VHC, Ultuna
Audhumbla, VHC, Ultuna, Uppsala
You are most welcome to VH-faculty: Presentation techniques and current research in veterinary medicine and animal science, - Half time seminar
The next occasion is 16th at 12.00 in Audhumbla where research student Todd Alsing Johansson, Doctoral Student at the Department of Clinical Sciences, Division of Veterinary Nursing; will have his halftime seminar entitled: How clean is clean?
If you accept this invitation latest the 15th of December before 12.00 o´clock you will get a small lunch sandwich (please also note dietary preferences when you accept).
Due to the Covid-situation we have decided to also have the seminar as a Zoom-meeting.
If you want to ask a questions, you will have to do this via the Zoom chat function. Info about the "best" procedure for the seminardiscussion follows:
Procedures for the discussion
Inbjudan har gått ut via email till VH-alla.
Link to seminar:
Passcode: 935016