14 April, Wednesday
Open session in Zoom webinar
13:00-13:10 Introduction to the symposium
13:10-13:55 Key-note speaker, Alona Armstrong, Lancaster University
Integrating ecological and energy systems for climate, biodiversity and energy gains
13:55-14:10 Q&A session
14:10-14:25 Leg-stretcher
14:25-14:45 Niclas Ericsson, SLU
Renewable energy from a life cycle perspective - the big picture
14:45-15:05 Thomas Ranius, SLU
The effects of logging residue extraction for energy on ecosystem services and biodiversity
15:05-15:25 Tommy Lundgren, SLU
Bioenergy from forests and sustainability
15:25-15:35 Break
15:35 -16:00 Panel discussion and Q&A session
15 April, Thursday
Open session in Zoom webinar
13:00-13:10 Summary of day one + introduction
13:10-13:55 Key-note speaker, Ståle Navrud, NMBU
Valuing Ecosystem Service Impacts From Renewable Energy
13:55-14:10 Q&A session
14:10-14:25 Leg-stretcher
14:25-14:45 Bengt Kriström, SLU
How can economic analysis help making more informed decisions about renewable energy?
14:45-15:05 Anna Skarin, SLU
Reindeer, reindeer husbandry and wind power development in a multi-used landscape
15:05-15:20 Break
15:20 – 15:45 Panel discussion and Q&A session
15:45 -15:50 Closing of the symposium