Ort: Uppsala
Lokal: ZOOM Link
Arrangör: Division of Rural Development
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ZOOM Link, Uppsala
Division of Rural Development invites you to a seminar with Senior Research Fellow Adam Pain.
Drawing from my recent review of Swedish Aid to Afghanistan (https://eba.se/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Afghanistan_webb-2.pdf) which was critical of Sida’s failure to engage with the logic of existing social and economic practice and the imaginaries that Sweden has used to justify its interventions, the seminar will argue the case for a different understanding of Afghanistan’s rural context.
It will focus particularly on the assumptions made about Afghanistan’s rural economy (see also https://www.afghanistan-analysts.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/190807_Questioning-Agricultural-Policy-paper.pdf ), understandings of economic life, western presumptions of democratic practice and the critical role that the household and village play in providing freedom from fear.
ADAM PAIN was a long term adviser to the Minister of Agriculture in Bhutan from 1991 to 2000. He has been a part time researcher at the Department of Urban and Rural development at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences since 2006 working with colleagues working on the dynamics of forest and agrarian change. He has also being been working with the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation unit (AREU) in Kabul since its foundation in 2001. There he has led long term research programmes funded by the EU and the UK governments on rural livelihoods under conditions of insecurity and the rural economy. He is currently part of a research team led from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London investigating drugs and borderland economies.
Pass code: 276133
This talk is part of the Higher Seminar series in Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
If you want to get e-mails about our events, please contact: ildiko.asztalos.morell@slu.se or linley.chiwona.karltun@slu.se
Ildikó Asztalos Morell, docent, universitetslektor, avdelningen för landsbygdsutveckling, SLU, +4618671921
Linley Chiwona-Karltun, docent, forskare, avdelningen för landsbygdsutveckling, SLU, +4618672757, +46739516424