9 maj
10 maj


Internationell konferens om att öka havsmedvetenheten

One Ocean – One Planet: Ocean Literacy Action 2022

The conference targets individuals and organizations from all sectors that recognizes the importance of achieving Ocean Literacy as a way of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goal 14:Life Below Water.

The Ocean Literacy Action Conference is a part of the Swedish contribution to the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030.

International keynote speakers, breakout sessions with opportunitites for collaboration, and study visits to interesting places in Malmö and its surroundings are part of the program as well as time to mingle and meet.

Logga för havskonferens


Tid: 2022-05-09 - 2022-05-10
Ort: Malmö
Arrangör: The City of Malmö and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, with support from the World Maritime University, the Marine Education Center in Malmö, the Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment, the Swedish Center for Nature Interpretation and UNESCO-IOC.
Pris: The conference is free of charge.
Mer information:


SLU Centrum för naturvägledning (CNV)
Institutionen för stad och land, SLU