Ort: Uppsala
Lokal: Loftets hörsal
Arrangör: SLU Vattenforum
Loftets hörsal, Uppsala
Vill du veta mer om vår vattenforskning? Vi planerar det tredje interna vattenseminariet på SLU, 20-21 mars 2023. Doktorander och forskare tidigt i karriären, från olika institutioner, kommer att presentera sin forskning på området.
SLU har stark kompetens i frågor om vatten men vi är utspridda på olika fakulteter, institutioner och campus. Det här seminariet ger oss tillfälle att ta del av yngre forskares arbete, en möjlighet att mötas, engagera oss, interagera och lära oss mer om aktuell och framtida forskning om vatten vid SLU som helhet.
Vi hoppas att seminariet kan stimulera framtida samarbeten kring vatten.
Det går inte längre att anmäla sig till seminariet.
13.00-13.10 Welcome and introduction, Jens Olsson
13.10-13.30 Anna-Karin Dahlberg (Aquatic Sciences and Assessment) Dispersal of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and greenhouse gases (GHGs) from wood fiber-contaminated sediments in Sweden
13.30-13.50 Viktor Thunell (Aquatic Resources) Fitness consequences and energy allocation strategies driven by body size dependent responses to warming
13.50-14.10 Ani Vardanyan (Molecular Sciences) Roles and applications of enzymes in water treatment
14.10-14.30 Marcus Klaus (Forest Ecology and Management) Microbubbles: hidden gateways for greenhouse gas emissions from inland waters?
14.30-15.00 Coffe and tea break
15.00-15.20 Christos Palaiokostas (Animal Breeding and Genetics) Arctic charr selective breeding in Sweden
15.20-15.40 Lo Persson (Fish, Wildlife and Environment) Iteroparity and life-history variation in Atlantic salmon
15.40-16.00 Fernando Puente Sanchez (Aquatic Sciences and Assessment) Global dispersal routes of freshwater microorganisms
16.00-16.15 Shorter break
16.15-16.35 Eva-Lotta Blom (Fish, Wildlife and Environment) Surviving and thriving in an increasingly noisy world: can fish adapt?
16.35-16.55 Blaize Denfeldt (Aquatic Sciences and Assessment) What can SITES Water offer to an early career researcher - A case study on lake biogeochemistry
16.55-17.00 End of day one
17.00- Mingle, food and beverages
09.00-09.20 Maarten Wynants (Soil and Environment) Modelling the efficacy of catchment remediation measures for reducing sediment & nutrient exports under future climate trajectories
09.20-09.40 Elvira Wiktorsson (Economy) The effects of ITQ management on the processing sector
09.40-10.00 Parisa Norouzitallab (Animal Nutrition and Management) Transgenerational epigenetic effects of heat stress: the inheritance of adaptive traits
10.00-10.30 Coffe and tea break
10.30-10.50 Louise Malmquist (Soil and Environment) Potential and challenges of data resolution for hydrological catchment modelling - implications for evaluating retention capacity in Swedish agriculturally dominated catchments under impact of agrometeorological extreme events
10.50-11.10 Max Lindmark (Aquatic Resources) Embracing local scale and latent processes in climate-driven range shifts
11.10-11.30 Sara Sandström (Aquatic Sciences and Assessment) Sources, composition and transport of fluvial suspended sediment and attached phosphorus in agricultural catchments: A cross-scale analysis
11.30-11.50 Renee van Dorst (Fish, Wildlife and Environment) Current challenges for Arctic charr: climate change and species interactions
11.50-12.00 End of the seminar
jens.olsson@slu.se, 010-478 41 44