Ort: PO-Backström SLU Umea
PO-Backström SLU Umea
09.30 – 10.00 Coffee
10:00 -12:00 From Svartberget to Krycklan – the building of a research infrastructure
10.00 – 10.20 Hjalmar Laudon – Welcome to the land of opportunity
10:20 - 10:40 Ishi Buffam - Krycklan, the early years: Scaling up and broadening out
10:40-11:00 Harald Grip- Early Water-related Studies at Svartberget
11:00-11:20 Allan Rodhe- Experiences from early Oxygen-18 studies in Svartberget for understanding
streamflow generation
11:20-11:40 Peter Högberg- Experiments and other attempts to reveal tree-soil interactions -
integrating across scales
11:40:12:00 Kevin Bishop - Connecting landscapes to surface waters via the riparian zone: Or why it
takes a field station to get lucky in science
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch (sign-up for free lunch at www.slu.se/Krycklan)
Current main research areas – 13 minutes presentation + 7 minutes discussion
13:00-13:20 Hydrology – Fredrik Lidman and Jose Gutierrez Lopez
13:20-13:40 Long term trends – Ryan Sponseller
13:40-14:00 Digital Landscapes – Anneli Ågren and William Lidberg
14:00-14:20 Below the surface - Eva Wendelin and Johannes Larson
14:20-14:40 Restoration – Järvi Järveoja and Eliza Hasselquist
14:40-15:00 Forest management – Charlotta Erefur and Johan Westin
15:30-15:50 Carbon Observatory (ICOS) – Matthias Peichl
15:50-16:10 ACTRIS – Nataliia Kozii
16:10-16:30 Radar Tower – Lars Ulander and Albert Monteith
16:30-16:50 SITES and Open Science – Blaize Denfeld and Holger Villwock
16:50-17:00 Wrap-up - How do we integrate all of these themes? – Hjalmar Laudon
Poster Session
17.00 – 18.00 Poster session –invite posters from researchers under the above themes (but also make
more general posters for long term use at different events for several themes)
18.00 – Buffet dinner at SLU – You are all welcome! Location: Level 4 at SLU, Umeå
Field Trip to Krycklan Catchment Study and Svartberget
Sept 21th, 8.30 (9:30 at Svartberget) Meet at SLU – Library
Please note: Lunch and fika will be provided.
Dress for the weather! Please bring your own water bottle.