Ort: Umeå
Lokal: PO Bäckströms aula
Arrangör: SustAinimal
Sista anmälningsdag: 28 februari 2025
PO Bäckströms aula, Umeå
I samband med Quentin Lardys disputation den 6 mars anordnar SustAinimal ett seminarium om nya perspektiv på ensilage, bete och vall. Seminariet hålls på engelska i Umeå men går också att följa online via Zoom. ----- In connection with Quentin Lardy's doctoral dissertation on March 6, SustAinimal is organizing a seminar on new perspectives on silage, pasture and ley. The seminar will be in English in Umeå but can also be followed online via Zoom.
09:00 Coffee
09:15 Welcome and short introduction, Mårten Hetta, SLU
09:30 Round bale silage, new inoculums and forage quality improvement, Alberto Stanislao Atzori University of Sassari, Italy
10:00 Coffee Break
10:15 To graze or not to graze, that’s the question? – Perspectives from dairy farmers in the Netherlands, Agnes van den Pol-van Dasselaar, Aeres University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands.
10:45 Diversity in grassland for grazing and forage, David Parsons, SLU
11:15 Wrap up discussion and concluding remarks
11:45 Lunch