
SLU contributed to DevRes2022

Publicerad: 02 september 2022

On 22-24 August, the Development Research Conference was held in Uppsala, Stockholm and online. Several researchers from SLU were involved, either as moderators or as speakers. SLU Global participated with an exhibition booth and interacted with many of the conference participants.

Over 300 persons from differnent countries and professions participated in the Development Research Conference (DevRes) this year. The  is a multi-disciplinary forum for researchers working in fields linked to development and sustainability. The conference aims to promote networking and collaboration between researchers, public agencies, policy makers, organisations and practitioners, in order to find solutions for poverty and develop strategies for the future of sustainable development.

This year’s theme was Transforming Development Research for Sustainability. A major part of the conference focused on how we can achieve sustainability in health for both humans and our planet.

Take-home messages from one of the sessions

The session on Planetary and One Health was co-moderated by Paul Egan (SLU Global) and Mahbubur Rahman (International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh).

The session posed the question “how can we development to reduce poverty and inequalities in ways that enable us live within our planetary boundaries, and can the One Health approach help us get there?”.

Four speakers (from Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and Sweden) presented specific case studies which highlighted how such goals were being tackled and achieved on the ground.

The session concluded with a panel discussion between the speakers, moderators, and questions from the audience. Emerging take-home messages included that the One Health is easy to appreciate, but more difficult to implement, but that this ‘implementation gap’ can be overcome by better integrating practitioner’s contextual experience in to research and development initiatives to more effectively translate the One Health approach from concept into practice.

SLU contributions

Other SLU contributions were:

From fish to fishworker traceability in Thai fisheries reform. Presentation by Alin Kadfak, SLU

Sweden’s new government strategy for research and development cooperation 
Statement from Ingrid Öborn, SLU and others

Session on Food Safety, moderated by Johanna Lindahl, SLU

Who moves and who gains from internal migration in Egypt? Evidence from two waves of a labor market panel survey. Presentation by Assem Abu Hatab and Carl-Johan Lagerkvist, both from SLU.

Views and advice to the Swedish Research Council on strengths, difficulties and needs within Development Research. Ingrid Öborn, SLU, and others.


SLU Global stödjer SLU:s arbete för global utveckling som bidrar till Agenda 2030, med fokus på låginkomstländer.

SLU Global

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