About us
Organism Biology describes the molecular, structural and physiological mechanisms defining an organism. It also includes studies of how organisms interact. The NL-faculty hosts a number of departments within this broad area, holding a competence ranging from protein structure determination to nutrient cycling in complete ecosystems. Organism Biology aims at strengthening and coordinating graduate training within the research area.
Heriberto Vélëz
Department of Forest Mycology & Plant Pathology
Phone: 018-672376
E-mail: heriberto.velez@slu.se
Mattias Thelander
Deptartment of Plant Biology
Phone: 018-673236
E-mail: Mattias.Thelander@slu.se
Organism Biology is a faculty funded umbrella organization arranging activities for PhD students registered to their home departments.
The main goal is to offer high quality course activities and access to formal and informal networks. Shared methodology is in focus, as well as broader biology seminar series. We promote an increased exchange bewteen departments, to help PhD students develop depth and width.
Principles and quality criteria
Target group
The primary target group for Organism Biology is post-graduate students at departments belonging to the NL faculty with an interest in the organism biology research area. Postgraduate students and supervisors join Organism Biology on their own initiative by applying to the co-ordinators. Registration for activities will be on a first-serve basis and posting of up-coming events will first be announced to graduate school participants, and later to the rest of the faculty and SLU.
Organism Biology could support
- Postgraduate courses
- Seminars and workshops primarily for postgraduate students
- Activities with the aim at facilitating contacts between postgraduate students and research end-users
- In special cases and after individual evaluation by the steering committee, funds can be granted for participation in course activities organized by others or for international exchange with the specific purpose of bringing home unique knowledge or methodology which members of the graduate school can benefit from.
Organism Biology does not support
- Participation of graduate students in under-graduate courses. Re-directing postgraduate students toward under-graduate courses that cover basic research training will be attempted.
- General research training courses such as in pedagogics, statistics, leadership training and philosophy of science that are covered by other parts of SLU.
Scientific level
Activities financed by Organism Biology should be of high international standard, and the graduate school should enable elements that enhance the quality but is difficult to bring about in the departments ordinary research education, due to economical constraints. It could be to invite international lecturers, multi-disciplinary problem oriented courses, preparations of activities that demand extensive work effort, expensive laborative elements and/or accommodation on other premises.
Proposal for activites
We encourage submission of proposals for activities.The proposals for activities should mainly come from participants and their supervisors and are handed in to the co-ordinators.
Open activities
The activities of Organism Biology are open for all postgraduate students, even outside SLU. Organism Biology should work actively in order to disseminate information about the courses/activities within both national and international networks. When participation in a course has to be limited priority is given to postgraduate students registered in Organism Biology. Organism Biology does not cover costs for travel and accommodation for participants that are not registered in the graduate school or that comes from other universities.