The El-Reg App Privacy Policy
Processing of personal data at SLU and in the El-Reg mobile app
The Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua) at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences provides the El-Reg mobile app. The service is provided for free and is intended for use as is.
This webpage is to inform visitors regarding our policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information of those using our service.
Data controller
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is the data controller for the processing of your personal data. Your contact for this processing is
The data protection officer at SLU can be reached at or by phone at +46(0)18-67 20 90.
Information we collect
To use the service, you need to be a pre-approved El-Reg user and have a user account and password provided for you by In creating the user account, we have included your name and e-mail address as you have provided them to us when signing up for El-Reg, as well as a user name and password provided from us for accessing the app. This personal information is stored by us and can be connected to the sample logging data you collect through the service.
When you use the El-Reg app for data collection, we will also record your phone’s location information at the moment of sample logging.
In a case of an error in the app, we collect crash data and information using Analytics at Microsoft app center. The crash data is used to improve the apps performance but contains no personal data.
Safety measures
We (SLU) provide the users with unique individual user names with high security passwords. All passwords are internally hashed and users cannot see nor interact with each other.
The purpose of storing and processing your name, e-mail address, user name and password is to identify and give feedback to the person who collected the scientific data, and correct potential mistakes in data collection.
Legal basis
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is that we collect data for environmental monitoring and improving research on fish, shellfish and the aquatic environment in line with the objectives and purpose of SLU Aqua, including status assessments and providing management advice. This processing is necessary to perform tasks carried out in the public interest, as well as based on consent.
How we process and display your personal data
Your personal data will be stored on a server at SLU Aqua and will be visible only to administrators at SLU Aqua involved in El-Reg. All sample data that is published or disseminated outside will be stripped of personal data.
We will store your personal information until you opt-out of data collection. Until data analysis is complete, we may need to contact you about your observations to check for errors. In environmental assessments, long time series are important for monitoring purposes. However, managing and storing personal data should be minimized and we are exploring the needs for how long personal data needs to be saved.
The principle of public access to information
As a public authority, SLU must apply the principle of public access to official documents. This means that all official documents, including personal data, which are not considered working material are public and can be released to anyone who requests them. However, if a document contains data that is subject to confidentiality, the document will not be released. Data assessed in electrofishing activities are hardly ever subject to confidentiality. However, personal data will not be spread unless it is requested specifically.
Updating your personal data
To update your user profile information contact El-Reg at
Requesting your personal data
To request a copy of the contributions you have made through the service and the personal data stored about you, please e-mail
Deleting your personal data aka “Right to be forgotten”
To request deletion of your personal data, contact El-Reg ( from the e-mail address associated with your user account.
When requested to delete your personal data, we will confirm with you that you really wish us to delete your personal data. Upon receiving confirmation, we will completely erase your personal data and anonymize your contributions to the electrofishing database as soon as practically possible. We will keep the data you have contributed but they will no longer be connected to your name, e-mail address, user name or password.
Changes to This Privacy Policy
We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.
This policy is effective as of 2022-09-21.
If you have any comments on the processing of personal data at SLU, contact the Privacy and Data Protection Function at, 018-67 20 90.
If you are not happy with the answer provided by SLU, you can take your complaint to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection, or +46 (0)8 657 61 00.
Read more about the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection at