camilla.wikenros@slu.se, +46 (0)581 69 73 44
Gangås KE. 2014. Attitudes towards large carnivores and acceptance of illegal hunting – the importance of social attitudes and scales in large carnivore management. PhD thesis, Faculty of Applied Ecology and Agricultural Sciences, Høgskolan i Hedmark.
Zimmermann B. 2014. Predatory behaviour of wolves in Scandinavia. PhD thesis, Faculty of Applied Ecology and Agricultural Sciences, Høgskolan i Hedmark.
Wikenros C. 2011. The return of the wolf – effects on prey, competitors and scavengers. Doctoral thesis no. 2011: 85, SLU, Uppsala.
Karlsson J. 2007. Management of wolf and lynx conflicts with human interests. Doctoral thesis no. 2007: 59, SLU, Uppsala.
camilla.wikenros@slu.se, +46 (0)581 69 73 44