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Undergraduate course at SLU

Bees, Beekeeping and Pollination (7.5 credits) Covering honeybee and wild bee biology, beekeeping methods and pollination (link) Integrated pest and pollinator managment (3 credits) The objective of IPPM is to co-manage for pest control and pollination goals (link)

Post graduate research school

A research scool with the theme of bees and pollination provides education to PhD students and Post docs that seek more in depth training on their subjects. This can be from field methods on sampling for pollinator diversity and abundance to bee identification, etcAn advisory committe will select courses.

Beekeeping Courses

We regularily host Courses on everything from beginer beekeeping to more advanced beekeeping methods and practice. Check our calender for the next available course.

Facility Tours

Contact us to hear about the possibility to have a tour of our facility. We can offer anything from tours for school children to specialty designed tours for conferences etc.

Publicerad: 17 januari 2023 - Sidansvarig: anna.lundmark@slu.se

Kontakt vid institutionen för ekologi                

Astrid Taylor
Mattias Jonsson (ställföreträdande)

Anna Lundmark, anna.lundmark@slu.se

Postadress: Box 7044 75007 Uppsala (för brev), Ulls väg 18B 75651  (för paket, glöm inte namn på mottagare)
Besöksadress: Ulls väg 16   

Grimsö 152, 739 93 Riddarhyttan

Internwebb för ekologiinstitutionen
