Doktorsavhandlingar vid institutionen för mark och miljö

Senast ändrad: 27 januari 2025
En kvinna vid ett hål på ett fält. Foto.

Här listas doktorsavhandlingar från institutionen för mark och miljö.


Karin Andersson

More nitrogen to the crop! To increase the nitrogen fertiliser value of cattle slurry and reduce its ammonia emissions


Hanna Sjulgård
The potential of agricultural management to alleviate extreme weather impacts on Swedish crop product

Wiebke Mareile Heinze
Microplastic distribution and transport in agricultural soils : from field to burrow scale

Lukas Hallberg
Floodplain remediation in agricultural streams : improved process understanding for reduced eutrophication

Tobias Klöffel
Soil structure and water management in a changing climate


Olive Tuyishime
Drainage intensity in paddy rice fields : nitrogen flows, salinity, rice yield and greenhouse gas emissions

Elsa Arrazola Vasquez
Effects of soil compaction on burrowing and energy costs of different earthworm species

Katrin Rychel
Fertilizer placement for improved nitrogen use efficiency and mitigation of N2O emissions


Marius Tuyishime
Phosphorus chemistry in managed forest soils : effects of weathering and wood ash fertilisation

Sandra Wolters
Towards synthesis for nitrogen fertilisation using a decision support system

Karl Adler
Digital soil mapping and portable X-ray fluorescence prediction of cadmium, copper and zinc concentrations as decision support for crop production

Fahri Hasby
Impacts of clear-cutting on soil fungal communities and their activities in boreal forests - A metatranscriptomic approach

Jumpei Fukumasu
Relations between soil organic carbon, soil structure and physical processes in an agricultural topsoil - The role of soil mineral constituents


Benjamin Gossweiler
Impacts of land use change on river streamflow and water quality in a semi-arid catchment. Assessment of catchment under rapid and uncontrolled urbanization

Karolina Jörgensen
Comparing effects of endogenous and anthropogenic nitrogen supply on ectomycorrhizal fungi

Jens Blomquist
Effects of structure liming on clay soil

Hugo de Campos Pereira
Binding of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in soil - Effects of solution chemistry, soil properties, and PFAS structure​

Gizachew Tarekegn Getahun
Subsoil improvement for sustainable intensification: impact of loosening with straw incorporation or liming on subsoil properties, crop performance and water quality


Sabina Braun
Long-term phosphorus supply in agricultural soils : size and dynamics of fast- and slow-desorbing phosphorus pools

Daniel Aviles Ribera
Soil Erosion and Mass Movement in Agricultural Drainage Ditches


Frank Schmieder
Phosphorus speciation in Swedish arable soils with high leaching potential

Marguerite Mukangango
Potential of Acacia angustissima, Leucaena pallida and Mimosa scabrella in agroforestry systems on a Rwandan Ferralsol.

Linnea Hansson
Impacts of forestry operations on soil physical properties, water and temperature dynamics


Julia Kyaschenko
Fungal communities as determinants of carbon dynamics in boreal forest soils

Åsa Löv
New insights into solubility control mechanisms and the role of particle- and colloid-facilitated transport of metals in contaminated soils

Matthew Riddle
Phosphorus leaching from Swedish arable organic soils - quantification and mitigation using biochar


Mário Neves Gonçalo Chilundo
Effects of irrigation and fertiliser management on water and nitrogen use
efficiency in maize on a semi-arid loamy sandy soil

Emilio Magaia
Technologies for improved water use efficiency in small-scale maize production in a semi-arid region

Lisbet Norberg
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Cultivated Organic Soils - Effect of Cropping System, Soil Type and Drainage

Maria Sandin
Surface and subsurface transport pathways for pesticides to surface waters - Improving understanding of the effects of spatial and temporal variation in soil properties


Helena Andersson
The Role of Subsoil Properties for Phosphorus Leaching in Agricultural Soils

Ann Kristin Eriksson
Phosphorus speciation in Swedish agricultural clay soils. Influence of fertilization and mineralogy

Karin Hamnér
Micronutrients in cereal crops - Impact of nutrient management and soil properties

Sabine Jordan
Greenhouse gas emissions from rewetted extracted peatlands in Sweden

Martin Rappe George
Nitrogen in Soil Water of Coniferous Forests - Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbances

Charlotta Tiberg
Metal sorption to ferrihydrite - Phosphate effects, X-ray absorption spectroscopy and surface complexation modelling


Workneh Bedada
Compost and fertilizer - alternatives or complementary? management feasibility and long-term effects on soil fertility in an Ethiopian village

Kristina Mjöfors
Effects of site preparation and stump harvest on carbon dynamics in forest soils

Masud Parvage
Impact of Horse-keeping on Phosphorus (P) Concentrations in Soil and Water

Karin Steffens
Modelling Climate Change Impacts on Pesticide Leaching - Uncertainty and Scenario Analysis at Field and Regional Scales


Veera Kainiemi
Tillage effects on soil respiration in Swedish arable soils

Pia Kynkäänniemi
Small Wetlands Designed for Phosphorus Retention in Swedish Agricultural Areas

Maja Larsson
Vanadium in soils - Chemistry and Ecotoxicitys

Lorenzo Menichetti
Improving our understanding of carbon cycling in agroecosystems by studying δ¹³C signatures in soil carbon stocks and fluxe - results from a Swedish long-term field experiment

Åsa Myrbeck
Soil tillage influences on soil mineral nitrogen and nitrate leaching in Swedish arable soils

Annika Svanbäck
Mitigation of Phosphorus Leaching from Agricultural Soils - Improved Fertilization and Soil Structure


Stefan Bengtsson
Interception and storage of wet deposited radionuclides in crops - field experiments and modelling

Jian Liu
Phosphorus leaching as influenced by animal manure and catch crops

Abdul Ghafoor
Understanding the causes of spatial variation in pesticide sorption and degradation at the catchment scale


Thord Karlsson
Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in agricultural soils: Model applications at different scales in time and space

Carina Ortiz
Sink or source? Uncertainties in large scale model predictions of forest soil organic carbon dynamics


Örjan Berglund
Greenhouse gas emissions from cultivated peat soils in Sweden

Kristin Boye
Sulfur cycling in Swedish arable soils - a chemical perspective


Lena Engström
Nitrogen dynamics in crop sequences with winter oilseed rape and winter wheat


Anna Lindahl
Sources of pesticide losses to surface waters and groundwater at field and landscape scales

Osvaldo Salazar
Modelling water discharge and nitrogen loads from drained agricultural land at field and watershed scale

Johanna Wetterlind
Improved farm soil mapping using near infrared reflection spectroscopy


Ylva Andrist Rangel
Quantifying mineral sources of potassium in agricultural soils

Joris van Schaik
Binding of metals to macromolecular organic acids in natural waters: does organic matter?

Lovisa Stjernman Forsberg
Reclamation of copper mine tailings using sewage sludge

Mulugeta Zewdie
Temporal changes of biomass production, soil properties and ground flora in Eucalyptus globulus plantations in the Central highlands of Ethiopia

Monica Östman
Ageing landfills: development and processes

Avhandlingar vid institutionen för markvetenskap 2002 - 2007


Sara Elfstrand
Impact of green manure on soil organisms: with emphasis on microbial community composition and function

Yariv Cohen
Phosphorus recovery from urban wastes and ashes      

Fredrik Stenemo
Vulnerability assessments of pesticide leaching to groundwater

Fantaw Yimer
Soil properties in relation to topographic aspects, vegetation communities and land use in the south-eastern highlands of Ethiopia

Nguyen Manh
Khai Effects of using wastewater and biosolids as nutrient sources on accumulation and behaviour of trace metals in Vietnamese soils

Göran Ekbladh
Plant analysis as a tool to determine crop nitrogen status: towards leaf area based measurements


Karin Ljung
Metals in urban playground soils: distribution and bioaccessibility


Helena Bengtsson
Nutrient and trace element flows and balances at the Öjebyn dairy farm: aspects of temporal and spatial variation and management practices

Sofia Delin
Site-specific nitrogen fertilization demand in relation to plant available soil nitrogen and water

John Löfkvist
Modifying soil structure using plant roots

Mats Larsbo
An improved dual-permeability model of solute transport in structured soils: model development and parameter identification in laboratory and field experiments

Kristina Röing
Soil nitrogen fluxes in Swedish and Nigerian agricultural systems

Mats Linde
Trace metals in urban soils: Stockholm as a case study


Mats Fröberg
Processes controlling production and transport of dissolved organic carbon in forest soils

Katarina Kyllmar
Nitrogen leaching in small agricultural catchments: modelling and monitoring for assessing state, trends and effects of counter-measures

Thomas Keller
Soil compaction and soil tillage - studies in agricultural soil mechanics


Andreas Trautner
On soil behaviour during field traffic

Sophie Gunnarsson
Optimisation of N release: influence of plant material chemical composition on C and N mineralization

Petra Bergkvist
Long-term fate of sewage-sludge derived cadmium in arable soils: laboratory and field experiments, and modelling with SLAM and WHAM

Gudrun Sjöberg
Lignin degradation: long-term effects of nitrogen addition on decomposition of forest soil organic matter

Katarina Börling
Phosphorus sorption, accumulation and leaching: effects of long-term inorganic fertilization of cultivated soils

Anke Herrmann
Predicting nitrogen mineralization from soil organic matter - a chimera?

Mykhaylo Vinichuk
Radiocaesium in the fungal compartment of forest ecosystems


Ingela Berggren
Rhizosphere of peas, impact of bacterial interactions on symbiosis

Gunilla Jansson
Cadmium in arable crops: the influence of soil factors and liming

Pål Andersson
Nitrogen turnover in Swedish spruce forest ecosystems: effects of nitrogen deposition

Ingrid Wesström
Controlled drainage - effects on subsurface outflow and nitrogen flows

Avhandlingar vid institutionen för skoglig marklära 2002 - 2007


Lars Rosenqvist
Afforestation of former arable land in north-western Europe: nitrate leaching, carbon sequestration and water recharge

Caroline Rothpfeffer
From wood to waste and waste to wood: aspects on recycling waste products from the pulp mill to the forest soil    


Bekele Lemma
Impact of exotic tree plantations on carbon and nutrient dynamics in abandoned farmland soils of southwestern Ethiopia


Mulugeta Lemenih
Effects of land use changes on soil quality and native flora degradation and restoration in the highlands of Ethiopia: implications for sustainable land management


Mikaeel Faituri
Soil organic matter in Mediterranean and Scandinavivan forest ecosystems - dynamics of organic matter, nutrients, and monomeric phenolic compounds

Elve Lode
Natural mire hydrology in restoration of peatland functions

Anja Lomander
Organic matter turnover in forest and arable land: temperature and moisture effects and dynamics of heavy metals

Jorge Mendoza
Influences of land use/land cover and soil type on amounts of soil organic carbon and soil characteristics