Publikationer om biogas

Senast ändrad: 04 juni 2024

Här har vi samlar publikationer från vår biogasforskning.

Vetenskapliga publikationer

  1. Westerholm, M., Müller, B., Isaksson,I., Schnürer A. (2015). Trace element and temperature effects on microbial communities and links to biogas digester performance at high ammonia levels. Accepted for publication in Biotechnology for Biofuels
  2. Sun, J., Hu, C., Jin,Y.; Chen, Z., Guang, Q., Wang, Y., Zhing, D., Jansson, C., Wang, F., Schnürer, A. and Sun, C. (2015). Transcription factor modified high-starch rice reduces methane emissions from rice paddies. Nature 7562 (523), 602-606.
  3. Sun, L., Pope, P., Ejsink V., Schnürer A (2015) Characterisation of microbial community structure during continuous anaerobic digestion of straw and cow manure. 8(5), 815-827. Microbial Biotechnology.
  4. Moestedh, J., Nordell, E., Halllin, S., Schnürer A. (2015). Two-stage anaerobic digestion for reduced hydrogen sulphide production. J Chem Technol Biotechnol. DOI 10.1002/jctb.4682
  5. Müller, B, Manzoor, S., Niazi, A., Bongcam-Rudloff, E. (2015). Genome-guided analysis of physiological capacaties of Tepidanaerobacter acetateoxydans provides insights into environmental adaptations and syntrophic acetate oxidation.  Plos One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121237.
  6. Grim, J., Malmros, P., Schnürer, A. and Nordberg, Å. (2015). Comparison of pasterzation and intergrated sanitation at a full-scale biogas plant - Heat demand and biogas production. Energy. 79, 419-427.
  7. Danielsson, R., Werner-Omazic, A., Ramin, Mohammad, R., Schnürer, A., Griinari, M., Dicksved, J.,and Bertilsson, J. (2014). Effects on enteric methane prodcution and Bacterial and Archaeal Communities by the Addition of Cashew Nut Shell Extract or Glycerol- an in vitro evaluation. Journal of Dairy Science. 9, 5729-41
  8. Moestedh J.,  Nordell, E. and Schnürer, A.  (2014). Comparison of operating strategies for increased biogas production from thin stillage. Journal of Biotechnology . 175, 22-30.
  9. Estevez, M.M. ZenginZ., LinjordetR., Schnürer A., MorkenJ. (2014).Semi-continuous anaerobic co-digestion of cow manure and steam-exploded Salix with recirculation of liquid digestate. Accepted for publication Journal of Environmental Management 1(136), 9-15.
  10. Sun., L., Müller, B. Westerholm, M. And Schnürer, A. (2014). Syntrophic acetate oxidation in industrial CSTR biogas digesters. Journal of Biotechnology. 171(10), 39-44
  11. Risberg, K., Sun, L., Levén, L., Horn, S.J., Schnürer, A. (2013). Biogas production from whaet straw and manure - impact of pretreatment and process operational parameters. Bioresource Technology, 149, 232-327.
  12. Moestedt, J., Nilsson Påledal, S., Schnürer, A. And Nordell, E. (2013). Biogas Production from Thin Stillage on an Industrial Scale—Experience and Optimisation Energies, 6, 5642-5655.
  13. Sun, L., Müller, B. and Schnürer, A. (2013) Biogas production from wheat straw – community structure of cellulose-degrading bacteria. Energy, Sustainability & Society , 3:15.
  14. Crystal ball 2013, Curtis, . T., Daran, J - M., Pronk, J.T., Frey, J. Jansson , J.K., Robbins - Pianka, A. Knight, R. Schnürer, A ., Smets, B.F., Smid, E.J., Abee, T., Vicente, M., Zengler , K. Microbial Biotech 6 (1): 3 - 16
  15. Moestedth, J., Nilsson - Påledal, S., Schnürer, A. (2013). The effect of substrate and operational parameters on the abundance of sulphate - reducing bacteria in industrial anaerobic biogas dig esters. Biores. Technol. 132, 327 – 332
  16. Manzoor, S ., Müller, B ., Niazi A ., Bongcam - Rudloff E ., Schnürer A . (2013) Draft Genome Sequence of Clostridium ultunense Strain Esp, a Syntrophic Acetate - Oxidizing Bacterium. Genome Announc., doi:10.1128/genomeA.00107 - 13.
  17. Manzoor, S., Bongcam - Rudloff, E., Schnürer, A., Müller , B. (2012). First Genome Sequence of a Syntrophic Acetate-Oxidizing Bacterium, Tepidanaerobacter acetatoxydans Strain Re1. Genome Announ c doi: 10.1128/ genomeA.00213 - 12.
  18. Müller, B., Sun, L., Schnürer, A. (2012). First insights into the syntrophic acetate - oxidizing bacteria – a gene tic study. Microbiology Open Doi:10.1002/mbo3.50
  19. Westerholm, M. Levén, L. and Schnürer, A. (2012). Bioaugmentation of syntrophic acetate - oxidising culture in biogas reactors exposed to increasing levels of ammonia. Applied and Environmental Microbiology,78 (21), 7619 - 7625
  20. Danielsson, R., Schnürer A., Arthurson, R. and Bertilsson, J. (2012) . Methanogenic population and CH4 production in Swedish dairy cows fed different levels of forage. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78 (17), 6172 - 6179.
  21. Karlsson, A ., Einarsson, P., Schnürer, A., Sundberg, C. Ejlertsson J. and Svensson, B.H. (2012). Impact of trace element addition on degradation efficiency of volatile fatty acids, oleic acid and phenyl acetate and on microbial populations in a biogas digester. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 114 (4), 446 - 452.
  22. Westerholm, M., Hansson, M. and Schnürer, A. (2012). Improved biogas production from whole stillage by co-digestion with cattle manure. Bioresource Technology. 114, 314 - 319.
  23. Lindmark, J., Leksell, N., Schnürer, A. Thorin, E. (2012). Effects of mechanical pre-treatment on the biogas yield from ley crop silage. Applied Energy. 97, 498 - 502 (2)
  24. Nyberg, K., Enwall, K., Schnürer, A., Sundh, I., Hallin, S. (2012). Response of Induced Perturbation on Replicating β - Proteobacterial Ammonia - Oxidizing Populations in Soil. Microbiology Ecology. 63, 701 - 709.
  25. Westerholm, M., Müller, B, Arthurson, V and Schnürer, A. (2011). Changes in the acetogenic population in a mesophilic anaerobic di gester in response to increasing ammonia concentration. 26(4), 347 - 353.
  26. Dererie, D. Y., Trobro, S. Momeni, M. H, Hansson, H. Blomqvist, J., Passoth, V., Schnürer, A., Sandgren, M. and Ståhlberg, J. (2011). Improved bio-energy yields via sequential ethanol fermentation and biogas digestion of steam exploded oat straw. Bioresource Technology 102 (6), 4449 - 4455.
  27. Westerholm, M, Dolfing, J., Sherry, A. Gray, N.D, Schnürer, A. (2011). Quantification of syntrophic acatete oxidizing microbial communities in biogas processes. Environmental Microbiology Reports 3(2), 1758 - 2229.
  28. Levén, L, Nyberg, K., Schnürer, A. (2011) Conversion of phenols during anaerobic digestion of organic solid waste – a review of important microorganisms and impact of temperature. Journal of Environmental Management. 95, 99 - 103.
  29. Westerholm, M., Roos, S., Schnürer, A. (2011). Tepidanaerobacter acetatoxydans sp. nov., an anaerobic, syntrophic acetate - oxidizing bacterium isolated from two ammonium - enriched mesophilic methanogenic processes. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 34, 260 - 266.
  30. Westerholm, M. Roos, S., Schnürer A. (2010). Syntrophaceticus schinkii gen.nov.,sp.nov., an anaerobic, syntrophic acetate - oxidizing bacterium isolated from a mesophilic anaerobic filter. FEMS microbial Letters. 309, 100 - 104.
  31. Levén, L. and Schnürer, A. (2010). Molecular Characterisation of Two Anaerobic Phenol - degrading Enrichment Cultures. International Journal of Biodetoriation & Biodegradation. 4 (6), 427 - 433.
  32. Schnürer, A. and Nordberg, Å (2008). Ammonia, a selective agent agent for methane production by syntrophic acetate oxidation at mesophilic temperature. Water Sciences and Technology 57 (5). 735 - 740 .
  33. Ottoson, J, Schnürer, A., Vinnerås, B. (2007). In situ ammonia production as a sanitation agent during anaerobic digestion at mesophilic temperature. Letters of Applied Microbiology 46, 325 - 330.
  34. Olsman, H., Schnürer, A., Björnfoth, H., van Bavel, B, Engwall, M. (2007). Fractionation and determination of Ah receptor (AhR) agonist in organic waste after anaerobic biodegradation and in batch experiments with PCB and decaBDE. Env. Sci Poll. Res. 14 (1), 36 - 43.
  35. Leven, L., Eriksson. A., Schnürer, A. (2007). Effect of process temperature on bacterial and arc haeal communities in two methanogenic bioreactors treating organic household waste. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 59(3), 683 - 693.
  36. Nyberg, K., Schnürer, A., Sundh, I., Jarvis, Å and Hallin, S. (2006). Ammonium oxidizing communities in agricultural soil incubated with organic waste residues. Biol. Fertil. Soil. 42, 315 - 323.
  37. Schnürer, A., and Schnürer, J. (2005). Fungal survival during anaerobic digestion of organic household waste. Waste Management. 26, 1205 - 1211
  38. Léven, L., Nyberg, K., Korkea - Aho, L., and Schnür er, A. (2005). Phenols in anaerobic digestion processes and inhibition of ammonium oxidising bacteria in soil. Science and the Total Environment. 364, 229 - 238.
  39. Léven, L., and Schnürer, A. (2005). Effect of temperature on biological degradation of phenols, benzoates and phthalates under methanogenic conditions. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradtion 55, 153 - 160
  40. Nyberg, K., Johansson, M., Sundh, I. and. Schnürer, A. (2004). Presence of potential ammonia oxidation (PAO) inhibiting substances in anaerobic digestion residues. Applied Soil Ecology 26 (2): 107 - 112.
  41. Engwall, M., Stenlund, S., van Bavel, B., Olsman, H., and Schnürer A. (2002). Fate of PCB (Clophen A50) during anaerobic treatment of organic householdwaste. Organohalogen Compounds, 58, 61 - 64.
  42. Olsman, H., Björnfoth, H., van Bavel, B., Lindström, G., Schnürer, A. and Engwall, M. (2002). Characterisation of dioxinelike compounds in anaerobically digested organic material by bioassay - directed fractionation. Organohalogen Compounds, 58, 345 - 348.
  43. Engwall, M and Schnürer, A. (2002). Fate of Ah - receptor agonists in organic household waste during ananerobic degradation – estimation of levels using EROD induction in organ cultures of chicken embryo livers. Sci Total Environ. 297 (1 - 3).
  44. Brandgård, J., Sundh, I., Nordberg, Å., Schnürer, A., Mandenius, C. - F., and Mathisen, B. (2001). Monitoring growth of the methanogenic archea Methanobacterium formicicum using an electronic nose. Biotechnology Letters. 23, 241 - 248.
  45. Schnürer A, Zellner G, Svensson BH. (1999). Mesophilic syntrophic acetate oxidation during methane formation in different biogas reactors. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 29, 249 - 261.
  46. Schnürer A, Svensson BH, Schink B. (1997). Enzyme activities in and energetics of acetate metabolism by the mesophilic syntrophically acetate - oxidizing anaerob Clostridium ultunense. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 154: 331 - 336
  47. Schnürer A, Schink B, Svensson BH (1996). Clostridium ultunense sp. nov., a mesophilic bacterium oxidizing acetate in syntrophic relationship with a hydrogenotrophic methanogenic bacterium. Int J Syst Bacteriol. 46 (4) 1145 - 1152.
  48. Schnürer A, Houwen FH, Svensson BH (1994). Mesophilic syntrophic acetate oxidation during methane formation by a triculture at high ammonium concentration. Arch Microbiol 162: 70 - 74.
  49. Blomgren A, Hansen A, Svensson BH (1990). Enrichment of a mesophilic, bacterial consortium converting acetate to methane at high ammonium concentrations. In: Belaich, JP, Bruschi M, Garcia J - L (eds), Microbiology and biochemistry of strict anaerobes involved in inters pecies hydrogen transfer, Plenum Press, New York, pp.


  1. Jacobsson K and Schnürer, A (2012). Överlever den vita betcystnematoden i en biogasprocess? Betodlaren
  2. Pell, M., Passoth V., Ståhlberg, J., Olstorpe, M . , Schnürer A., Trobro, S., Hansson, P - A. och Sandgren M. (2011) Mikrober och enzymer för framställning av biodrivmedel. Bilagan nr 1.
  3. Schnürer, A and Nordberg, Å (2007). Sven sk biogasteknik lovordad i Brisbane. EnergiGas. 4, 32 - 33
  4. Schnürer, A (2007). Höga ammoniakhalter inget hinder för biogasprocessen. EnergiGas. 3, 42 - 43
  5. Schnürer, A. (2007). Mögelsvampar överlever hygienisering och rötning. EnergiGas. 2, 34 - 35
  6. Schnürer, A . (2006) Biogasforskning vid SLU i Uppsala – aktuella projekt vid Institutionen för Mikrobiologi. Nytt om Biogas. 4, 16 - 17
  7. Schnürer, A. (2006) Agrobiogas - EU projekt för utveckling av jordbruksbaserad biogasproduktion. Nytt om Biogas. 4, 18 - 19.
  8. Schnürer, A. (2006) Schnürer, A and Hallin, S (2003). Föroreningar i rötrester påverkar kväveomsättningen i marken. Nytt om biogas, 4, 6 - 7.
  9. Jönsson, H., Eklind Y, Albihn, A., Jarvis, Å, Kylin, H., Nilsson, M. - L, Nordberg, Å., Pell, M., Schnürer, A., Schönning, C., Sundh, I., and Sundquist, J. - O. (2003). Samhällets organiska avfall – en resurs i kretsloppet. FAKTA jordbruk. N r. 1 - 2.
  10. Hallin, S och Schnürer A. (2002) Kan restprodukter från organiskt avfall skada odlingsmark? Forskningsnytt. 2, 8 - 9.

Utbildningsmaterial och rapporter

  1. Persson, T.,  Blom, A.,  Schnürer, A., Atterwall, A., Hellström, D., Kreuger, E., Jonsson, H., Sárvátti Horwáth, I., Lantz, M., Eriksson, O., Måtresson, P., Hebrand, S., Söderström, Y., Davidsson, Å. and Nordberg, Å (2014).  Sammanställning av svensk forskning och utveckling inom biogasområdet 2013. SGC report 294
  2. Edström, M., CAstillo, MP., Ascue, J., Andersson, J, Rogstrand, G., Nordberg, Å and Schnürer, A. (2014).  Stategier för att effektivisera rötning av substrat med högt innehåll av lignocellulosa och kväve. Waste Refinery report WR61.
  3. Xinmei Feng, X., Castillo, M., Schnürer, A. (2013). Fungal pretreatment of straw for enhanced biogas yield (Förbehandling av halm med svamp för ökat biogasutbyte) . SGC Rapport 279, 28 pages
  4. Vahlberg, C., Nordell, E., Wiberg, L and Schnürer A. (2013). Method for correction of VFA loss in determination of dry matter in biomass (Metod för korrigering av VFA - förlust vid bestämning av torrhalt i biomassa) . SGC Rapport 273, 51 pages
  5. Carlsson, M. and Schnürer, A. (2011). Handbok Metanpotential. SGC 2011:237, 40 pages.
  6. Schnürer A and Jarvis Å. 2009. Handbok i biogasprocessens mikrobiologi, SCG 207 och Avfall Sverige 2009:03, 122 pages
  7. Hallin, S. and Schnürer A. 2001. Microbiology in wastewater treatment plants
  8. Schnürer, A 2008. Biogasreaktor i miniformat. Efter Linné. Linnélektioner – idéhäfte 6. Nationellt resurscentrum för biologi och bioteknik, Uppsala Universitet.


Professor Anna Schnürer

Department of Molecular sciences, SLU

Telephone: 018-673288, 0734231517
