Aboveground and belowground trait coordination across twelve boreal...
2025 Aboveground and belowground trait coordination across twelve boreal forest tree species Research article (Peer reviewed)
2025 Aboveground and belowground trait coordination across twelve boreal forest tree species Research article (Peer reviewed)
2025 Conversion of unmanaged boreal forest to even-aged management has a stronger effect on carbon stocks in the organic layer than the mineral soil Research article (Peer reviewed)
2025 Priority effects can be explained by competitive traits Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Accounting for deep soil carbon in tropical forest conservation payments Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Functional traits to predict financial value of enrichment planting in degraded tropical forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Partitioning gross primary production of a boreal forest among species and strata: A multi-method approach Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Trophic regulation of soil microbial biomass under nitrogen enrichment: A global meta-analysis Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 The origin of bi-dimensionality in plant root traits Review article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Warming influences carbon and nitrogen assimilation between a widespread Ericaceous shrub and root-associated fungi Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 The biological controls of soil carbon accumulation following wildfire and harvest in boreal forests: A review Review article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Environmental controls on seedling establishment in a boreal forest: implications for Scots pine regeneration in continuous cover forestry Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Reindeer grazing reduces climate-driven vegetation changes and shifts trophic interactions in the Fennoscandian tundra Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Microclimate, an important part of ecology and biogeography Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Deciphering the drivers of plant-soil feedbacks and their context-dependence: A meta-analysis Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Evolutionarily conserved core microbiota as an extended trait in nitrogen acquisition strategy of herbaceous species Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Biochar Effects on Soil Nutrient Transformations Book chapter (Peer reviewed)
2024 Priority effects transcend scales and disciplines in biology Review article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Functional traits differ across an invasive tree species' native, introduced, and invasive populations Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Molecular-level carbon traits underlie the multidimensional fine root economics space Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Shifts in microbial community composition and metabolism correspond with rapid soil carbon accumulation in response to 20 years of simulated nitrogen deposition Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Biochar as a potential tool to mitigate nutrient exports from managed boreal forest: A laboratory and field experiment Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Soil microbiomes show consistent and predictable responses to extreme events Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 "Ectomycorrhizal exploration type" could be a functional trait explaining the spatial distribution of tree symbiotic fungi as a function of forest humus forms Research article (Peer reviewed)
2024 Diminishing legacy effects from forest fertilization on stand structure, vegetation community, and soil function Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Temporal dynamics of soil fungi in a pyrodiverse dry-sclerophyll forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Fire severity as a key determinant of aboveground and belowground biological community recovery in managed even-aged boreal forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Soil amendment with biochar and manure alters wood stake decomposition and fungal community composition Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Insights into the seed microbiome and its ecological significance in plant life Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 From bottom-up to top-down control of invertebrate herbivores in a retrogressive chronosequence Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Root trait variation along a sub-arctic tundra elevational gradient Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Forest inventory tree core archive reveals changes in boreal wood traits over seven decades Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Rapid upwards spread of non-native plants in mountains across continents Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Drought neutralizes positive effects of long-term grazing on grassland productivity through altering plant-soil interactions Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Global meta-analysis reveals positive effects of biochar on soil microbial diversity Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Experimental warming causes mismatches in alpine plant-microbe-fauna phenology Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Bamboo invasion alters Collembola community composition varying with life-forms Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Carbon sequestration potential and the multiple functions of Nordic grasslands Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Understory functional groups and fire history but not experimental warming drive tree seedling performance in unmanaged boreal forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Plant-soil feedback in the 'real world': how does fire fit into all of this? Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Synthesis on the effectiveness of soil translocation for plant community restoration Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Drivers of nematode diversity in forest soils across climatic zones Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 Biochar in forestry: Status in the Nordic-Baltic countries Report
2023 Spatio-temporal variation in leaf area index in the Yan Mountains over the past 40 years and its relationship to hydrothermal conditions Research article (Peer reviewed)
2023 The functioning of alpine grassland ecosystems: Climate outweighs plant species richness Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 The carbon sequestration response of aboveground biomass and soils to nutrient enrichment in boreal forests depends on baseline site productivity Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Metatranscriptomics captures dynamic shifts in mycorrhizal coordination in boreal forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Sunflecks in the upper canopy: dynamics of light-use efficiency in sun and shade leaves of Fagus sylvatica Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Water taken up through the bark is detected in the transpiration stream in intact upper-canopy branches Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Limits to photosynthesis: seasonal shifts in supply and demand for CO2 in Scots pine Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Long-term fate of nitrogen fixation in Pleurozium schreberi Brid (Mit.) moss carpets in boreal forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 The impact of anthropogenic nitrogen deposition on global forests: Negative impacts far exceed the carbon benefits Editorial (Peer reviewed)
2022 Root traits and soil micro-organisms as drivers of plant-soil feedbacks within the sub-arctic tundra meadow Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Climatic conditions, not above- and belowground resource availability and uptake capacity, mediate tree diversity effects on productivity and stability Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Contribution of soil algae to the global carbon cycle Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Progeny selection for enhanced forest growth alters soil communities and processes Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Think globally, measure locally: The MIREN standardized protocol for monitoring plant species distributions along elevation gradients Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Soil phosphorus forms show only minor changes across a 5000-year-old boreal wildfire chronosequence Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Plant-microbial linkages underpin carbon sequestration in contrasting mountain tundra vegetation types Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Organic fertilization promotes crop productivity through changes in soil aggregation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Direct and indirect effects of fire on microbial communities in a pyrodiverse dry-sclerophyll forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Limited decadal growth of mountain birch saplings has minor impact on surrounding tundra vegetation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 No evidence that conifer biochar impacts soil functioning by serving as microbial refugia in boreal soils Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Ericoid shrubs shape fungal communities and suppress organic matter decomposition in boreal forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Trait coordination in boreal mosses reveals a bryophyte economics spectrum Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Land-use intensification reduces soil macrofauna biomass at the community but not individual level Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Organic amendments increase the flow uniformity of energy across nematode food webs Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Leveraging functional traits of cover crops to coordinate crop productivity and soil health Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Nitrogen deposition stimulates decomposition via changes in the structure and function of litter food webs Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Responses of bryosphere fauna to drought across a boreal forest chronosequence Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Exploring the Role of Cryptic Nitrogen Fixers in Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Frontier in Nitrogen Cycling Research Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Mid-term effects of wildfire and salvage logging on gross and net soil nitrogen transformation rates in a Swedish boreal forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Circum-Arctic distribution of chemical anti-herbivore compounds suggests biome-wide trade-off in defence strategies in Arctic shrubs Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Integrating natural gradients, experiments, and statistical modeling in a distributed network experiment: An example from the WaRM Network Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Reducing plant-derived ethylene concentrations increases the resistance of temperate grassland to drought Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Effects of Soil Abiotic and Biotic Factors on Tree Seedling Regeneration Following a Boreal Forest Wildfire Research article (Peer reviewed)
2022 Frontiers in soil ecology—Insights from the World Biodiversity Forum 2022 Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Anthropogenic nitrogen enrichment increased the efficiency of belowground biomass production in a boreal forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Linking canopy-scale mesophyll conductance and phloem sugar delta C-13 using empirical and modelling approaches Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Lycium barbarum L. (goji berry) monocropping causes microbial diversity loss and induces Fusarium spp. enrichment at distinct soil layers Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Plant-soil biota interactions explain shifts in plant community composition under global change Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Long-term heavy grazing increases community-level foliar fungal diseases by shifting plant composition Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Bryosphere Loss Impairs Litter Decomposition Consistently Across Moss Species, Litter Types, and Micro-Arthropod Abundance Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Boreal forest soil carbon fluxes one year after a wildfire: Effects of burn severity and management Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Empirical and Earth system model estimates of boreal nitrogen fixation often differ: A pathway toward reconciliation Review article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Carbon limitation overrides acidification in mediating soil microbial activity to nitrogen enrichment in a temperate grassland Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Contribution of microbial photosynthesis to peatland carbon uptake along a latitudinal gradient Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Soil biotic and abiotic effects on seedling growth exhibit context-dependent interactions: evidence from a multi-country experiment on Pinus contorta invasion Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Nitrogen addition mediates the response of foliar stoichiometry to phosphorus addition: a meta-analysis Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 The diversity of soil mesofauna declines after bamboo invasion in subtropical China Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Sphagnum and feather moss-associated N-2 fixation along a 724-year chronosequence in eastern boreal Canada Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Biochar increases tree biomass in a managed boreal forest, but does not alter N2O, CH4, and CO2 emissions Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Above- and below-ground complementarity rather than selection drive tree diversity-productivity relationships in European forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Plant-Soil Feedbacks and Temporal Dynamics of Plant Diversity-Productivity Relationships Review article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Effects of nitrogen addition and mowing on nitrogen- and water-use efficiency of Artemisia frigida in a grassland restored from an abandoned cropland Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Multi-dimensionality as a path forward in plant-soil feedback research Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Globally, plant-soil feedbacks are weak predictors of plant abundance Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of methane uptake across a climate transect in Inner Mongolia Steppe Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Crown-fire severity is more important than ground-fire severity in determining soil fungal community development in the boreal forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 European aspen with high compared to low constitutive tannin defenses grow taller in response to anthropogenic nitrogen enrichment Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Precipitation regime controls bryosphere carbon cycling similarly across contrasting ecosystems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Root trait-microbial relationships across tundra plant species Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Contrasting responses of plant and lichen carbon-based secondary compounds across an elevational gradient Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Long‐term nitrogen enrichment does not increase microbial phosphorus mobilization in a northern coniferous forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2021 Functional response of the soil microbial community to biochar applications Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Impacts of tree species identity and species mixing on ecosystem carbon and nitrogen stocks in a boreal forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Landscape perception: linking physical monitoring data to perceived landscape properties Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Differences in growth-economics of fast vs. slow growing grass species in response to temperature and nitrogen limitation individually, and in combination Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Estimating canopy gross primary production by combining phloem stable isotopes with canopy and mesophyll conductances Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Pyrogenic Carbon Generation From Fire and Forest Restoration Treatments Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Short-term effects of snow cover manipulation on soil bacterial diversity and community composition Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 A framework to assess the carbon supply-consumption balance in plant roots Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Effects of plant functional group removal on CO(2)fluxes and belowground C stocks across contrasting ecosystems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Low and High Nitrogen Deposition Rates in Northern Coniferous Forests Have Different Impacts on Aboveground Litter Production, Soil Respiration, and Soil Carbon Stocks Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Rhizosphere control of soil nitrogen cycling: a key component of plant economic strategies Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 What do scientists and managers know about soil biodiversity? Comparative knowledge mapping for sustainable forest management Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Mosses modify effects of warmer and wetter conditions on tree seedlings at the alpine treeline Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Combined addition of chemical and organic amendments enhances plant resistance to aboveground herbivores through increasing microbial abundance and diversity Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Decomposability of lichens and bryophytes from across an elevational gradient under standardized conditions Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Decadal-Scale Recovery of Carbon Stocks After Wildfires Throughout the Boreal Forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Responses of tundra plant community carbon flux to experimental warming, dominant species removal and elevation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Annual ecosystem respiration is resistant to changes in freeze-thaw periods in semi-arid permafrost Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Soil functional biodiversity and biological quality under threat: Intensive land use outweighs climate change Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Net neutral carbon responses to warming and grazing in alpine grassland ecosystems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Trade-off between vegetation type, soil erosion control and surface water in global semi-arid regions: A meta-analysis Review article (Peer reviewed)
2020 A global database of soil nematode abundance and functional group composition Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Impact of plant functional group and species removals on soil and plant nitrogen and phosphorus across a retrogressive chronosequence Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 Microtopography-induced ecohydrological effects alter plant community structure Research article (Peer reviewed)
2020 The handbook for standardized field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx) Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Diurnal variation in mesophyll conductance and its influence on modelled water-use efficiency in a mature boreal Pinus sylvestris stand Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Global distribution of earthworm diversity Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Contrasting drivers of community-level trait variation for vascular plants, lichens and bryophytes across an elevational gradient Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Reply to: Data do not support large-scale oligotrophication of terrestrial ecosystems Editorial (Peer reviewed)
2019 Land use modulates the effects of climate change on density but not community composition of Collembola Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 The Role of Plant Litter in Driving Plant-Soil Feedbacks Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Toward more robust plant-soil feedback research: Comment Letter (Peer reviewed)
2019 A meta-analysis of 1,119 manipulative experiments on terrestrial carbon-cycling responses to global change Research article (Peer reviewed)
Sparks, DL(Ed./Editors) 2019 Effects of agricultural intensification on soil biodiversity and implications for ecosystem functioning: A meta-analysis Review article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Using Network Theory to Understand and Predict Biological Invasions Review article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Soil nematode abundance and functional group composition at a global scale Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Relationships between fungal community composition in decomposing leaf litter and home-field advantage effects Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Anthropogenic nitrogen enrichment enhances soil carbon accumulation by impacting saprotrophs rather than ectomycorrhizal fungal activity Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Immediate and carry-over effects of increased soil frost on soil respiration and microbial activity in a spruce forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Quantification of tree fine roots by real-time PCR Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Genetic increases in growth do not lead to trade-offs with ecologically important litter and fine root traits in Norway spruce Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Effects of plant functional group removal on structure and function of soil communities across contrasting ecosystems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Herbivore resistance in congeneric and sympatric Nothofagus species is not related to leaf habit Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Nonlinearity of root trait relationships and the root economics spectrum Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Shifts in soil microbial community functional gene structure across a 61-year desert revegetation chronosequence Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Severity of impacts of an introduced species corresponds with regional eco-evolutionary experience Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Above and belowground community strategies respond to different global change drivers Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Biotic and abiotic plant-soil feedback depends on nitrogen-acquisition strategy and shifts during long-term ecosystem development Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Disentangling Effects of Time Since Fire, Overstory Composition and Organic Layer Thickness on Nutrient Availability in Canadian Boreal Forest Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Why are plant-soil feedbacks so unpredictable, and what to do about it? Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 Comparison of plant-soil feedback experimental approaches for testing soil biotic interactions among ecosystems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2019 The ratio of Gram-positive to Gram-negative bacterial PLFA markers as an indicator of carbon availability in organic soils Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Contrasting acclimation abilities of two dominant boreal conifers to elevated CO2 and temperature Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Soil Biota as Drivers of Plant Community Assembly Book chapter (Peer reviewed)
2018 How anthropogenic shifts in plant community composition alter soil food webs. Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Impacts of climate on the biodiversity-productivity relationship in natural forests Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Plant organic N uptake maintains species dominance under long-term warming Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Isotopic evidence for oligotrophication of terrestrial ecosystems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Effects of interspecific competition on plant-soil feedbacks generated by long-term grazing Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 The role of plant-soil feedbacks in stabilizing a reindeer-induced vegetation shift in subarctic tundra Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Nutrient optimization of tree growth alters structure and function of boreal soil food webs Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Variation in home-field advantage and ability in leaf litter decomposition across successional gradients Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Long-term effects of species loss on community properties across contrasting ecosystems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Anthropogenic deposition of heavy metals and phosphorus may reduce biological N-2 fixation in boreal forest mosses Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 A tale of two theories, a chronosequence and a bioindicator of soil quality Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 The role of bryophytes for tree seedling responses to winter climate change: Implications for the stress gradient hypothesis Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Contrasting responses of springtails and mites to elevation and vegetation type in the sub-Arctic Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Consistent effects of biodiversity loss on multifunctionality across contrasting ecosystems Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Canopy cover type, and not fine-scale resource availability, explains native and exotic species richness in a landscape affected by anthropogenic fires and posterior land-use change Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Mossornas hemliga liv tillsammans med cyanobakterier Research article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Plant-Soil Feedback: Bridging Natural and Agricultural Sciences Review article (Peer reviewed)
2018 Bacterial community dynamics in the rhizosphere of a long-lived, leguminous shrub across a 40-year age sequence Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Nationell miljöövervakning och utvärdering av ekosystemtjänster i fjäll och skog. Rapport 6754 Februari 2017. Naturvårdsverket Report (Peer reviewed)
2017 Plant-soil feedbacks in declining forests: implications for species coexistence Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 The nutrient absorption-transportation hypothesis: optimizing structural traits in absorptive roots Letter (Peer reviewed)
2017 Aspen phenylpropanoid genes' expression levels correlate with genets' tannin richness and vary both in responses to soil nitrogen and associations with phenolic profiles Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Life of Augustus Other publication (Peer reviewed)
2017 Elevation alters ecosystem properties across temperate treelines globally Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 A test of the hierarchical model of litter decomposition Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 A framework for understanding human-driven vegetation change Review article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Symplasmic and apoplasmic transport inside feather moss stems of Pleurozium schreberi and Hylocomium splendens Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Coordinated responses of soil communities to elevation in three subarctic vegetation types Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Soil fertility shapes belowground food webs across a regional climate gradient Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Impacts of invasive biota in forest ecosystems in an aboveground-belowground context Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Biological invasions in forest ecosystems Review article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Invasion Science: Looking Forward Rather Than Revisiting Old Ground - A Reply to Zenni et al. Letter (Peer reviewed)
2017 Soil handling methods should be selected based on research questions and goals Letter (Peer reviewed)
2017 Climate, soil and plant functional types as drivers of global fine-root trait variation Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Decomposition rates of surface and buried forest-floor material Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Rewetting Decreases Carbon Emissions from the Zoige Alpine Peatland on the Tibetan Plateau Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Effects of grazing on the acquisition of nitrogen by plants and microorganisms in an alpine grassland on the Tibetan plateau Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 How lichens impact on terrestrial community and ecosystem properties Review article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Nitrogen enrichment impacts on boreal litter decomposition are driven by changes in soil microbiota rather than litter quality Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Boreal Forests Sequester Large Amounts of Mercury over Millennial Time Scales in the Absence of Wildfire Research article (Peer reviewed)
2017 The Overlooked Role of Facilitation in Biodiversity Experiments Review article (Peer reviewed)
2017 Responses of communities of soil organisms and plants to soil aging at two contrasting long-term chronosequences Research article (Peer reviewed)