
Hedersdoktor och gästforskare på besök vid stad och land

Publicerad: 06 september 2018
Susan Senecah. Foto.

Susan L. Senecah från State University of New York, 2014 utsedd till hedersdoktor vid SLU, är nu på besök vid institutionen som en del av August T. Larssons gästforskarprogram för framstående forskare.

Nedan en presentation av Susan L. Senecah (på engelska).

Dr. Susan L. Senecah is recognized as one of the most influential scientists within the field of environmental communication and a leader in its creation.  She is professor emerita of the Environmental Studies Department at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science & Forestry in Syracuse, New York where she established and coordinated the Program in Environmental Communication and Participatory Processes.

She calls herself a “pracademic” to reflect the intersections among her teaching, research, and practice in process design and facilitation, public participation, collaborative decision making, conflict resolution, and governance structures for environmental and natural resource management. 

In addition, for 22 years, she served as a Special Assistant for Environmental Policy in the New York State Senate, performing the tasks of a policy analyst but also providing communities with process design, facilitation/mediation services, skills training, mentoring, and advocacy campaign design. She earned her Ph.D. in Communication Studies from the University of Minnesota. 

SLU recognized her with an honorary doctorate in 2014 and the August T Larsson Research Award for 2017-19.