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Integrerad miljöövervakning, publikationer efter 2009.
[Publikationer före 2010 (pdf)]
Monteith, D.T., Henrys, P.A., Hruška, J., de Wit, H.A., Krám, P., Moldan, F., Posch, M., Räike, A., Stoddard, J.L., Shilland, E.M., Gloria Pereira, M. and Evans, C.E. 2023. Long-term rise in riverine dissolved organic carbon concentration is predicted by electrolyte solubility theory. Science Advances 9:3.
Weldon, J. (ed.) 2023. Integrerad övervakning av miljötillståndet i svensk skogsmark – IM. Årsrapport 2022. Institutionen för vatten och miljö, SLU. Rapport 2023:12. 32 sidor + appendix.
Weldon, J. (ed.), 2023. 32nd Annual Report 2023. Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, ICP Integrated Monitoring. Report of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, ICP IM Programme Centre 32/2023, Uppsala 46 p.
Löfgren, S. (ed.) 2022. Integrerad övervakning av miljötillståndet i svensk skogsmark – IM. Årsrapport 2021. Institutionen för vatten och miljö, SLU. Rapport 2022:13. 28 sidor + appendix och fotobilaga.
Weldon, J., Merder, J., Ferretti, M. et al. 2022. Nitrogen deposition causes eutrophication in bryophyte communities in central and northern European forests. Annals of Forest Science 79, 24.
Karlsson, P.E., Akselsson, C., Hellsten, S. and Pihl Karlsson, G. 2022. Twenty years of nitrogen deposition to Norway spruce forests in Sweden. Science of the Total Environment 809 (2022) 152192.
Mantilla, I., Flanagan, K., Muthanna, T. M., Blecken, G-T. and Viklander, M. 2022. Variability of green infrastructure performance due to climatic regimes across Sweden. Journal of Environmental Management 68, part B.
Weldon, J. (ed.), 2022. 31th Annual Report 2022 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, ICP Integrated Monitoring. Report of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, ICP IM Programme Centre 31/2022, Uppsala 51 p.
Forsius, M., Posch, M., Holmberg, M., Vuorenmaa, J., Kleemola, S., Augustaitis, A., Beudert, B., Bochenek, W., Clarke, N., de Wit, H. A., Dirnböck, T., Frey, J., Grandin, U., Hakola, H., Kobler, J., Krám, P., Lindroos, A-J., Löfgren, S., Pecka, T., Rönnback, P., Skotak, K., Szpikowski, J., Ukonmaanaho, L., Valinia, S., Váňa M. 2021. Assessing critical load exceedances and ecosystem impacts of anthropogenic nitrogen and sulphur deposition at unmanaged forested catchments in Europe. Science of the Total environment 753: 141791.
Karlsson, P.E., Pihl-Karlsson, G., Hellsten, S., och Akselsson, C. 2021. Uttransport av olika ämnen i avrinningen från en granskog i västra Sverige före och efter en slutavverkning. Teknisk rapport från vattenkemiska mätningar i bäck-, grund-, och markvatten vid Storskogen 2014 – 2020. Rapport: C 569. IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet.
Kleemola, S. & Forsius, M. (eds.). 2021. 30th Annual Report 2021
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, ICP Integrated Monitoring. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 37/2021, Helsinki 64 p.
Kwon, T. et al. 2021. Effects of Climate and Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Early to Mid-Term Stage Litter Decomposition Across Biomes. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4.
Lindqvist, K. 2021. Bestämning av evapotranspiration baserat på meteorologiska data. En utvärdering jämfört med modeller och vattenbalans. Examensarbete 30 hp, MSc. Civilingenjörsprogrammet vid Uppsala universitet och SLU. Institutionen för vatten och miljö. UPTEC W 21021, ISSN 1401-5765. 34pp och 12 appendix.
Löfgren, S. (Ed.) 2021. Integrerad övervakning av miljötillståndet I svensk skogsmark – IM. Årsrapport 2020. Institutionen för vatten och miljö, SLU. Rapport 2021:16, 28 sidor + appendix.
Pisek, J., Erb, A., Korhonen, L., Biermann, T., Carrara, A., Cremonese, E., Cuntz, M., Fares, S., Gerosa, G., Grünwald, T., Hase, N., Heliasz, M., Ibrom, A., Knohl, A., Kobler, J., Kruijt, B., Lange, H., Leppänen, L., Limousin, J.-M., Serrano, F. R. L., Loustau, D., Lukeš, P., Lundin, L., Marzuoli, R., Mölder, M., Montagnani, L., Neirynck, J., Peichl, M., Rebmann, C., Rubio, E., Santos-Reis, M., Schaaf, C., Schmidt, M., Simioni, G., Soudani, K., and Vincke, C. 2021. Retrieval and validation of forest background reflectivity from daily Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) data across European forests, Biogeosciences, 18:621–635.
Weldon, J. and Grandin, U. 2021. Weak recovery of epiphytic lichen communities in Sweden over 20 years of rapid air pollution decline. Lichenologist 53:2, 203-213.
Bel, J., Legout, A., Saint-André, L., Hall, S., J., Löfgren, S., Laclau , J.-P., van der Heijden, G. 2020. Conventional analysis methods underestimate the plant-available pools of calcium, magnesium and potassium in forest soils. Scientific Reports 10, 15703. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-72741-w
Casetou-Gustafson, S., Grip, H., Hillier, S., Linder, S., Olsson, B. A., Simonsson, M. and Stendahl, J. 2020. Current, steady-state and historical weathering rates of base cations at two forest sites in northern and southern Sweden: a comparison of three methods. Biogeosciences 17:281–304. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-17-281-2020
Hashemi, F., Pohle, I., Pullens, J. W. M., Tornbjerg, H., Kyllmar, K., Marttila, H. Lepistö, A., Kløve, B., Futter, M. and Kronvang, B. 2020. Conceptual mini-catchment typologies for testing dominant controls of nutrient dynamics in three Nordic countries. Water 12:1776. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12061776.
Kleemola, S. & Forsius, M. (eds.). 2020. 29th Annual Report 2020
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, ICP Integrated Monitoring. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 31/2020, Helsinki. 64 p.
Löfgren, S. (Ed.) 2020. Integrerad övervakning av miljötillståndet i svensk skogsmark – IM. Årsrapport 2019. Integrated monitoring of environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems – IM. Annual Report for 2019. Rapport 2020:6. SLU, 28 s och appendix.
de Wit, H.A., Lepistö, A., Marttila, H., Wenng, H., Bechmann, M., Blicher-Mathiesen, G., Eklöf, K., N. Futter, M., Kortelainen, P., Kronvang, B., Kyllmar, K., Rakovic, J. 2020. Land-use dominates climate controls on nitrogen and phosphorus export from managed and natural Nordic headwater catchments. Hydrological Processes 34:25 doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.13939/
Ferm, M., Granat, L., Engardt, M., Phil Karlsson, G., Danielsson, H., Karlsson, P. E., & Hansen, K. 2019. Wet deposition of ammonium, nitrate and non-sea-salt sulphate in Sweden 1955 through 2017. Atmosperic Environment: X 2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aeaoa.2019.100015
Löfgren, S. (Ed.) 2019. Integrerad övervakning av miljötillståndet i svensk skogsmark – IM. Årsrapport 2018. Integrated monitoring of environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems – IM. Annual Report for 2018. Rapport 2019:7. SLU. 34 s och appendix.
McGivney, E., Belyazid, S., Zetterberg, T., Löfgren, S. & Gustafsson, J.P. 2019. Assessing the impact of acid rain and forest harvest intensity with the HD-MINTEQ model – Soil chemistry of three Swedish conifer sites from 1880 to 2080. SOIL 5:63-77. https://doi.org/10.5194/soil-5-63-2019
Rosenstock, N. P., Stendahl, J., van der Heijden, G., Lundin, L., McGivney, E., Bishop, K., and Löfgren, S. 2019. Base cations in the soil bank. Non-exchangeable pools may sustain centuries of net loss to forestry and leaching, SOIL 5:351-366, https://doi.org/10.5194/soil-5-351-2019.
Weldon, J. & Grandin, U. 2019. Major disturbances test resilience at a long‐term boreal forest monitoring site. Ecology and Evolution. 9:4275-4288.
Dirnböck, T., Pröll, G., Austnes, K., Beloica, J., Beudert, B., Canullo, R., De Marco, A., Fornasier, M.F., Futter, M., Goergen, K., Grandin, U., Holmberg, M., Lindroos, A-J., Mirtl, M., Neirynck, J., Pecka, T., Nieminen, T.M., Nordbakken, J-F., Posch, M., Reinds, G-J., Rowe, E.C., Salemaa, M., Scheuschner, T., Starlinger, F., Uziębło, A.K., Valinia, S., Weldon, J., Wamelink, W.G.W. and Forsius, M. 2018. Currently legislated decreases in nitrogen deposition will yield only limited plant species recovery in European forests. Environmental Research Letters, 13(12), p.125010. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/aaf26b
Djukic, I., Kepfer-Rojas, S., Kappel Schmidt, I., Steenberg Larsen, K., Beier, C., Berg, B. & Verheyen, K. 2018. Early stage litter decomposition across biomes. Science of The Total Environment 628–629:1369-1394. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.012
Gustafsson, J.P., Belyazid, S., McGivney, E. & Löfgren, S. 2018. Aluminium and base cation chemistry in dynamic acidification models – need for a reappraisal? SOIL 4:237-250 https://www.soil-journal.net/4/237/2018/soil-4-237-2018.pdf
Holmberg, M., Aherne, J., Austnes, K., Beloica, J., De Marco, A., Dirnböck, T., Fornasier, M. F., Goergen, K., Futter, M., Lindroos, A-J., Krám, P., Neirynck, J., Nieminen, T. M., Pecka, T., Posch, M., Pröll, G., Rowe, E. C., Scheuschner, T., Achlutow, A., Valinia, S. & Forsius, M. 2018. Modelling study of soil C, N and pH response to air pollution and climate change using European LTER site observations. Science of The Total Environment. 640-641:387-399. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.299
Lundin, L., Rönnback, P., Löfgren, S., Bovin, K., Grandin, U., Pihl Karlsson, G., Moldan, F. and Thunholm, B. 2018. Report on National ICP IM activities in Sweden in 2016. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. (eds.) 27th Annual Report 2018. CLRTAP ICP on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 20/2018. pp 53-57. Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-11-4954-2. http://hdl.handle.net/10138/238583
Löfgren, S. (Ed.) 2018. Integrerad övervakning av miljötillståndet i svensk skogsmark – IM. Årsrapport 2017. Integrated monitoring of environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems – IM. Annual Report for 2017. Rapport 2018:13. SLU. 28 s och appendix.
Moldan, F., Jutterström, S. E. A-K., Hruska , J., Wright, R. F., 2018. Experimental addition of nitrogen to a whole forest ecosystem at Gårdsjön, Sweden (NITREX): Nitrate leaching during 26 years of treatment. Environmental Pollution 242: 367-374. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2018.06.093
Vuorenmaa J., Augustaitis, A., Beudert B., Bochenek W., Clarke N., de Wit H.A., Dirnböck, T., Forsius, M. Frey, J., Hakola.H., Kleemola, S., Kobler, J., Krám, P., Lindroos, A-J., Lundin, L., Löfgren, S., Marchettom, A., Pecka, T., Schulte-Bisping, H., Skotak, K., Srybny, A., Szpikowski, J., Ukonmaanaho, L., Váňa, M. and Åkerblom, S. 2018. Long-term changes in the inorganic nitrogen output fluxes in European ICP Integrated Monitoring catchments – an assessment of the role of N-related parameters in catchments. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. (eds.) 27th Annual Report 2018. CLRTAP ICP on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 20/2018. pp 34-38. Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-11-4953-5. http://hdl.handle.net/10138/238583
Vuorenmaa J., Augustaitis, A., Beudert B., Bochenek W., Clarke N., de Wit H.A., Dirnböck, T., Frey, J., Hakola.H., Kleemola, S., Kobler, J., Krám, P., Lindroos, A-J., Lundin, L., Löfgren, S., Marchettom, A., Pecka, T., Schulte-Bisping, H., Skotak, K., Srybny, A., Szpikowski, J., Ukonmaanaho, L., Váňa, M., Åkerblom, S. and Forsius, M. 2018. Long-term changes (1990–2015) in the atmospheric deposition and runoff water chemistry of sulphate, inorganic nitrogen and acidity for forested catchments in Europe in relation to changes in emissions and hydrometeorological conditions. Science of the Total Environment 625 (2018), 1129-1145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.245
De Jong, J., Akselsson, C., Egnell, G., Löfgren, S., and Olsson, B.A. 2017. Realizing the energy potential of forest biomass in Sweden - how much is environmentally sustainable? Forest Ecology and Management. 383:3-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2016.06.028
Evans, C.D., Futter, M.N., Moldan,, F., Valinia S., Frogbrook, Z. and Kothawala, D.N. 2017. Variability in organic carbon reactivity across lake residence time and trophic gradients. Nature Geoscience, Online 16 Oct 2017, https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo3051
Gottselig, N., Amelung, W., Kirchner, J., Bol, R., Eugster, W., Granger, S.J., C., Hernández-Crespo, Herrmann, F., Keizer, J.J., Korkiakoski, M., Laudon, H., Lehner, I., Löfgren, S., Lohila,A., Macleod, C.J.A., Mölder, M., Müller, C., Nasta, P., V., Nischwitz, E. Paul-Limoges, M.C. Pierret, K. Pilegaard, N. Romano, M.T. Sebastia, Siemens, J. Stähli, M., Voltz, M., Vereecken, H., Klumpp. E. 2017. Elemental composition of natural nanoparticles and fine colloids in European forest stream waters and their role as phosphorus carriers. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GB005657
Holmberg, M., Vuorenmaa, J., Posch, M., Kleemola, S., Augustatis, A., Beudert, B., de Wit, H., Dirnböck, T., Frey, J., Forsius, M., Hakola, H., Kobler, J., Kram, P., Lundin, L. and Vana, M. 2017. Relationship between critical load exceedances and empirical impact indicators at IM sites – Update 2017. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. (eds.) 26th Annual Report 2017. CLRTAP ICP on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 24/2017. pp 29-35. Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-11-4855-2. http://hdl.handle.net/10138/212199
Ledesma, J.L.J., and Futter, M.N. 2017. Gridded climate data products are an alternative to instrumental measurements as inputs in rainfall-runoff models, Hydrological Processes, 31, 3283-3293. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.11269
Lundin, L., Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. 2017. Explanatory notes to the agenda for the International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution on Ecosystems (ICP IM). 25th Task Force meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, May 9-211, 2017. 12pp.
Lundin, L., Löfgren, S., Bovin, K., Grandin, U., Pihl Karlsson, G., Moldan, F. and Thunholm, B. 2017. Report on National ICP IM activities in Sweden in 2015. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. (eds.) 26th Annual Report 2017. CLRTAP ICP on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 24/2017. pp 54-59. Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-11-4855-2. http://hdl.handle.net/10138/212199
Löfgren S. (red.) 2017. Integrerad övervakning av miljötillståndet i svensk skogsmark – IM. Årsrapport 2016. Integrated monitoring of environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems – IM. Annual Report for 2016. Rapport 2017:11. SLU. 26 s och appendix.
Löfgren, S., Ågren, A., Gustafsson, J.P., Olsson, B.A., Zetterberg, T. 2017. Impact of whole-tree harvest on soil and stream water acidity in southern Sweden based on HD-MINTEQ simulations and pH-sensitivity. Forest Ecology and Management. 383:49-60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2016.07.018
Åkerblom, S. and Lundin, L. 2017. Report on concentrations of heavy metals in important forest ecosystem compartments. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. (eds.) 26th Annual Report 2017. CLRTAP ICP on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 24/2017. pp 36-42. Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-11-4855-2. http://hdl.handle.net/10138/212199
Lundin, L., Forsius, M. and Kleemola, S. 2016. Explanatory notes to the agenda. International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems (ICP IM) 24th Task Force meeting, Asker, Norway, May 24-26, 2016. 12pp
Lundin, L., Löfgren, S., Bovin, K., Grandin, U., Pihl Kralsson, G., Moldan, F. and Thunholm, B. 2016. Report on National ICP IM activities in Sweden 2014 – 2015. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. (eds.) 25th Annual Report 2016. CLRTAP ICP on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 29/2016. pp 65-69. Tampere. ISBN 978-952-11-4588-9. http://hdl.handle.net/10138/166236
Löfgren S. (red.), Grandin U., Lundin L., Östlund M., Bovin K., Moldan F. &, Pihl Karlsson G. 2016. Integrerad övervakning av miljötillståndet i svensk skogsmark – IM. Årsrapport 2015. Integrated monitoring of environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems – IM. Annual Report for 2015. Rapport 2016:5. SLU. 31 s och 23 appendix.
Zetterberg, T., Olsson, B.A., Löfgren, S., Hyvönen, R. & Brandtberg, P.-O., 2016. Long-term soil calcium depletion after conventional and whole-tree harvest. Forest Ecology and Management 369, 102-115. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2016.03.027
Löfgren, S. (ed.) 2015. Integrerad övervakning av miljötillståndet i svensk skogsmark – IM. Årsrapport 2013. Integrated monitoring of environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems – IM. Annual Report for 2013. Rapport 2015:8. SLU. 27s och 23 appendix.
Åkerblom, S. and Lundin, L. 2015. Progress report on heavy metal trends at ICP IM sites. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. (eds.) 24th Annual Report 2015 CLRTAP ICP on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute No.31/2015. pp 32-36. Tampere. ISBN 978-952-11-4524-7. url.
Lundin, L., Löfgren, S., Bovin, K., Grandin, U., Pihl Kralsson, G., Moldan, F. and Thunholm, B. 2015. Report on National ICP IM activities in Sweden 2013 – 2015. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. (eds.) 24th Annual Report 2015 CLRTAP ICP on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute No.31/2015. pp 51-55. Tampere. ISBN 978-952-11-4524-7. url.
Lundin,L. 2015. Report of the ICP-IM activities from the Chairman. Information from the International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems, ICP-IM. Meeting documents for the 31th Task Force Meeting of the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests). Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 19-22, 2015. 2 pp.
Löfgren, S. (ed.) 2015. Integrerad övervakning av miljötillståndet i svensk skogsmark – IM. Årsrapport 2014. Integrated monitoring of environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems – IM. Annual Report for 2014. Rapport 2015:18. SLU. 21s och 23 appendix.
de Wit, H., Hettelingh, J-P., Harmens, H. (eds.) 2015. de Wit, H., Hettelingh, J-P., Harmens, H., Seidling, W., Waldner, P., Marchetto, A., Hansen, K., Potocic, N., Timmermann, V., Trotzer, S., Jonard, M., Fürst, A., Rautio, P., Schaub, M., Haeni, M., Ferretti, M., Gottardini, E., Calatayud, V., Forsius, M., Lundin, L., Holmberg, M., Vuorenmaa, J., Åkerblom, S., Tidblad, J., Gröntoft, T., Kreislova, K., Faller, M., De la Fuente, D., Yates, T., Verney-Carron, A., Posch, M., LeGall, A-C., Slootweg, J., Mills, G., Wright, R., Garmo, Ö., Fjellheim, A., Moldan, F., Héroux, M-E., Gapp, C., Mudu, PP., Aas, W., Fagerli, H., Törseth, K., Solberg, S., Shatalov, V., Gusev, A. and Ilyin, I. Trends in ecosystem and health responses to long-range transported atmospheric pollutants. NIVA Report No. 6946-2015. Oslo. 92 pp. ISBN 978-82-577-6681-8
Löfgren S. (red.). 2014. Integrerad monitoring av miljötillståndet i svensk skogsmark - IM. Årsrapport 2012. Institutionen för vatten och miljö, SLU rapport 2014:17, 34 pp + appendix.
Dirnböck, T., Grandin, U., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Beudert, B., Canullo, R., Forsius, M., Grabner, M.-T., Holmberg, M., Kleemola, S., Lundin, L., Mirtl, M., Neumann, M., Pompei, E., Salemaa, M., Starlinger, F., Staszewski, T., Uzieblo, A.K. 2014. Forest floor vegetation response to nitrogen deposition in Europe. Global Change Biology. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12440.
Jungkvist, G., S.K. Oni, C. Teutschbein, M.N. Futter. 2014. Effect of climate change on soil temperature in Swedish boreal forests. PLOS One doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093957
Löfgren, S., Stendera, S. and Grandin, U. (2014). Long-term effects on nitrogen and benthic fauna of extreme climatic events – examples from two headwater streams. Ambio 43:58–76.
Temnerud, J., Hytteborn, J.K., Futter, M.N. and Köhler, S.J., 2014. Evaluating common drivers for color, iron and organic carbon in Swedish watercourses. AMBIO, 43(1): 30-44. doi: 10.1007/s13280-014-0560-5
Winterdahl, M., M. Erlandsson, M.N. Futter, G.A. Weyhenmeyer, K. Bishop, K. 2014. Intra-annual variability of organic carbon concentrations in running waters: Drivers along a climatic gradient. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28(4), 451-464.
Zetterberg, T., Köhler, S. and Löfgren, S. (2014). Sensitivity analyses of MAGIC modelled predictions of future impacts of whole-tree harvest on soil calcium supply and stream acid neutralizing capacity. Sci Tot Environ 494-495:187-201
Temnerud, J., Andersson, L., Arheimer, B., Bishop, K., Bringmark, L., Lundin, L., Löfgren, S., Moldan, F. and Nilsson, T., 2014. The CLEO-database: Nine forested headwater streams in Sweden, 1977-2009.
Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. (eds.). 23rd Annual Report from International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 23 (2014). 61 pp. ISBN 978-952-11-4354-0.
Vuorenmaa, J., Kleemola, S., Forsius, M., Lundin, L., Augustaitis, A., Beudert, B., de Wit, H., Frey, J., Indriksone, I., Mierbi, S., Krám, P. and Vána, M. 2014. Sulphur and nitrogen input-output budgets at ICP Integrated Monitoring sites in Europe in 1990-2012. In Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. (eds.). 23rd Annual Report from International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 23 (2014). pp 28-35. ISBN 978-952-11-4354-0.
Vuorenmaa, J., Kleemola, S., Forsius, M.,. Lundin, L., Augustaitis, A., Beudert, B., de Wit, H., Dirnböck, T., Frey, J., Indriksone, I., Krám, P., Vána, M. Long-term sulphur and nitrogen input-output budgets in European forested catchments (1990-2012). Abstract for Acid Rain Conference 19-23 October, 2015, Rochester, USA. 1pp.
Lundin, L., Löfgren, S., Bovin, K., Bringmark, L., Pihl Karlsson, G., Moldan, F. and Thunholm, B. Report on National ICP IM activities in Sweden 2011-2013. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. 23rd Annual Report 2014 - Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 23/2014. Finnish Environment Institute. Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-11-4206-2. pp 52-58
Bringmark, L., Lundin, L., Augustaitis, A., Beudert, B., Dieffenbach-Fries, H., Dirnböck, T., Grabner, M-T., Hutchins, M., Kram, P., Lyulko, I., Ruoho-Airola, T. and Vana, M. 2013. Trace metal budgets for forested catchments in Europe – Pb, Cd, Hg, Cu and Zn. Water Air Soil Pollution 224:1502, 14 pp. doi 10.1007/s11270-013-1502-8.
Bringmark, L., Lundin, L., Augustaitis, A., Beudert, B., Dieffenbach-Fries, H., Dirnböck, T., Grabner, M-T., Hutchins, M., Kram, P., Indriksone, I., Ruoho-Airola, T. Vana, M. 2013. Progress report on base line heavy metal approach. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. 22nd Annual Report for the International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 25/2013. Finnish Environment Institute. Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-11-4206-2. P. 29-34.
Danielewska, A., Paoletti, E., Clarke, N., Olejnik, J., Urbaniak, M., Baran, M., Siedlecki, P., Hansen, K., Lundin, L., de Vries, W., Nörgaard Mikkelsen, T., Dillen, S. and Fischer, R. 2013. Towards integration of research and monitoring at forest ecosystems in Europe. Forest Systems 2013, 22 (3); 535-545. Doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5424/fs/2013223-03675.
Danielewska A, Clarke N, Olejnik J, Hansen K, De_Vries W, Lundin L, Tuovinen JP, Fischer R, Urbaniak, M. and Paoletti E. 2013. A meta-database comparison from various European Research and Monitoring Networks dedicated to forest sites. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry. ifor0751-006.
Harmens, H., Fisher, R., Forsius, M., Hettelingh, J-P., Holen, S., LeGall, A-C., Lorenz, M., Lundin, L., Mills, G., Moldan, F., Posch, M., Seifert, I., Skjelkvåle, B.L., Slootweg, J. and Wright, R. 2013. Benefits of air pollution control for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Working Group on Effects - Report by the Working Group on Effects. CLRTAP. Geneva. 48 pp.
Harmens, H., Fisher, R., Forsius, M., Hettelingh, J-P., Holen, S., LeGall, A-C., Lorenz, M., Lundin, L., Mills, G., Moldan, F., Posch, M., Seifert, I., Skjelkvåle, B.L., Slootweg, J. and Wright, R. 2013. Benefits of air pollution control for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Working Group on Effects. CLRTAP. ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2013/14. 12 pp.
Lundin, L. 2013. Report on the ICP-IM activities 2012 from the chairman. ICP Vegetation Programme and abstracts for the 26th Task Force Meeting in Halmstad, January 28-30, 2013.
Lundin,L. 2013. Report of the ICP-IM activities from the Chairman. Information from the International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems, ICP-IM. Meeting documents for the 29th Task Force Meeting of the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests). Belgrade, Serbia, May 27-31, 2013. 2 pp.
Lundin, L. 2013. Benefits from forest dominated landscape ecosystem services identified from evaluation of LTER site environments in the context of EnvEurope. Abstract to oral presentation at the ALTER-Net conference Science underpinning the EU 2020 Biodiversity Startegy in Ghent, Belgium, 15-18 April 2013. 1p.
Lundin, L. 2013. Benefits to landscape ecosystem services identified from integrated monitoring and LTER Europe sites. Abstract to poster presentation at the ALTER-Net conference Science underpinning the EU 2020 Biodiversity Startegy in Ghent, Belgium, 15-18 April 2013. 1p.
Lundin, L. and Forsius, M. 2013. Explanatory notes for the International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystem 21st Task Force meeting in Obninsk, Moscow, May 22, 2013. SLU. 11pp.
Lundin, L. and Forsius, M. 2013. Evaluations of ICP IM data for ecosystem service assessment. ICP IM contribution to report on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Report. 10 pp.
Lundin, L., Löfgren, S., Bovin, K., Bringmark, L., Pihl Karlsson, G., Moldan, F. and Thunholm, B. Report on National ICP IM activities in Sweden 2011-2013. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. 22nd Annual Report for the International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 25/2013. Finnish Environment Institute. Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-11-4206-2. P. 51-57.
Löfgren, S. (red.) 2013. IM årsrapport för 2011. Institutionen för vatten och miljö, SLU rapport 2013:10, 23 pp + appendix.
Vourenmaa, J., Kleemola, S., Forsius, M., Lundin, L., Augustatis, A., Beudert, B., de Wit, H., Frey, J., Indriksone, I., Minerbi, I., Kram, P. and Vana, M. 2013. Sulphur and nitrogen input-output budgets at ICP Integrated Monitoring sites in Europe. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. 22nd Annual Report for the International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 25/2013. Finnish Environment Institute. Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-11-4206-2. P. 35-43.
Huser, B. J., Fölster, J. and Köhler S. J. 2012. Lead, zinc, and chromium concentrations in acidic headwater streams in Sweden explained by chemical, climatic, and land-use variations. Biogeosciences 9:4323-4335. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-9-4323-2012.
Iwald, J., Löfgren, S., Stendahl, J. & Karltun, E. 2012. The acidifying effect of tree stump and logging residue harvesting in Sweden – quantification and comparison with atmospheric deposition of acidity. For. Ecol. Man. published online
Löfgren, S. (red.) 2012. IM årsrapport för 2010. Institutionen för vatten och miljö, SLU rapport 2012:4, 34 pp + appendix.
Löfgren, S. 2012. Regional övervakning av avrinningen från brukad skogsmark i Västra Götalands, Hallands och Jönköpings län. Utvärdering av perioden 1996-2009 och förslag till framtida utformning. Rapport Länsstyrelsen Hallands län 2012:03, 41 pp, ISSN: 1403-168X
Löfgren S. (Ed.). 2012. Integrated monitoring of the environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems – IM. Annual report for 2010. Dep. Aquatic Sciences and Environment, SLU Report 2012:4, 34 pp + appendix. In Swedish. English summary.
Vuorenmaa, J., Kleemola, S., Forsius, M., Lundin, L., Augustaitis, A., Beudert, B., de Wit, H., Frey, J., Indriksone, I., Tait, D., Kram, P. and Vana, M. 2012. Sulphur and nitrogen input-output budgets at ICP Integrated Monitoring sites in Europe. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. 21st Annual Report 2012. International cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. The Finnish Environment 28 (2012). Finnish Environment Institute. Helsinki. pp. 23-34.
Lundin, L., Aastrup, M., Bringmark, L., Grandin, U., Hultberg, H., Pihl Karlsson, G., Lewin-Pihlblad, L., Löfgren, S. and Thunholm, B. 2012. Report on national ICP IM activities in Sweden 2010-2012. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. 21st Annual Report 2012. International cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. The Finnish Environment 28 (2012). Finnish Environment Institute. Helsinki. pp. 53-58.
Holmberg, M., Vuorenmaa, J., Posch, M., Forsius, M., Lundin, L., Kleemola, S., Augustaitis, A., Beudert, B., Wit, H.A.d., Dirnböck, T., Evans, C.D., Frey, J., Grandin, U., Indriksone, I., Krám, P., Pompei, E., Schulte-Bisping, H., Srybny, A., Vána, M., 2012. Relationship between critical load exceedances and empirical impact indicators at Integrated Monitoring sites across Europe. Ecological Indicators 24 (2013), 256-265.
Banwart, S., Menon, M., Bernasconi, S.M., Bloem, J., Blum, W., de Souza, D.M., Davidsdotir, B., Duffy, C., Lair, G., Kram, P., Lundin, L., Nikolaidis, N., Novak, M., Panagos, P., Ragnarsdottir, K.V., Reynolds, B., Robinson, D., Rousseva, S., de Ruiter, P., van Gaans, P., Weng, L., White, T. and Zhang, B. 2012. Soil processes and functions across an international network of Critical Zone Observatories: introduction to experimental methods and initial results. Comptes Rendu Geosciences, 344, 758-772.
Forsius, M. and Lundin, L. 2012. Encouraging fresh approaches to air pollution. International innovation. Research media Ltd. Bristol, UK. August 2012, pp 42-44.
Lundin, L. 2012. Hydrochemical dynamics in recharge-discharge transects at the CZO Kindla. Eurosoil 2012 - 4th International Congress Abstracts, 2657, Soil Science for the Benefit of Mankind and Environment, European Confederation of Soil Science Societes, University of Bari, Bari, Italy. Abstract S13.04-P-6. 1pp.
Wulff, S., Lindelöw, Å., Lundin, L., Hansson, P., Axelsson, A-L., Barklund, P., Wijk, S., and Ståhl, G. 2012. Adapting forest health assessments to changing perspectives on threats – a case example from Sweden. Environ. Monit. Assess. Vol 184, pp 2453–2464. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-011-2130-7.
Löfgren, S. (red.) 2011. Integrerad monitoring av miljötillståndet i svensk skogsmark - IM. Årsrapport 2009. Institutionen för vatten och miljö, SLU rapport 2011:20, 52 pp + appendix.
Lundin, L. 2011. Rapport från CLRTAP ICP-Forests 27th Task Force i Köpenhamn, Danmark, SLU. Uppsala. 3s.
Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. (eds.). 20th Annual Report 2011. CLRTAP, International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. The Finnish Environment 18/2011, 36-42. Finnish Environment Institute. Helsinki. ISSN 1238-7312.
Forsius, M. and Lundin, L. 2011. Report on benefits of LTER collaboration. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. (eds.). 20th Annual Report 2011. CLRTAP, International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. The Finnish Environment 18/2011, 36-42. Finnish Environment Institute. Helsinki. ISSN 1238-7312.
Lundin, L., Aastrup, M., Bringmark, L., Grandin, U., Hultberg, H., Pihl-Karlsson, G., Lewin-Pihlblad, L., Löfgren, S. and Thunholm, B. Report on national ICP IM activities in Sweden 2009-2011. In: Kleemola, S. and Forsius, M. (eds.). 20th Annual Report 2011. CLRTAP, International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems. The Finnish Environment 18/2011, 58-63. Finnish Environment Institute. Helsinki. ISSN 1238-7312.
Clarke, N., Fischer, R., de Vries, W., Lundin, L., Papale, D., Vesala, T., Merilä, P., Matteucci, G., Mirtl, M., Simpson, D. and Paoletti, E. 2011. Availability, accessibility, quality and comparability of monitoring data for European forests for use in air pollution and climate change science. iForest Vol. 4. pp. 162-166. doi: 10.3832/ifor0582-004; ISSN: 1971-7458
Fischer, R., Aas, W., de Vries, W., Clarke, N., Cudlin, P., Leaver, D., Lundin, L., Matteucci, G., Matyssek, R., Mikkelsen, T.N., Mirtl, M., Öztürk, Y., Papale, N., Potocic, N., Simpson, D., Tuovinen, J-P., Vesala, T., Wieser, G. and Paoletti, E. 2011. Towards a transnational system of supersites for forest monitoring and reseach in Europe – an overview on present state and future recommendations. iForest Vol. 4. pp. 167-171 doi: 10.3832/ifor0584-004; ISSN: 1971-7458
Futter, M.N, Keskitalo, E.C.H, Ellison, D., Pettersson M., Strom, A., Andersson, E., Nordin, J., Löfgren, S., Bishop, K. & Laudon, H. 2011. Forests, Forestry and the Water Framework Directive in Sweden: A Trans-Disciplinary Commentary. Forests 2:261-282; doi:10.3390/f2010261
Banwart, S., Bernasconi, S., Bloem, J., Blum, W., Brandao, M., Brantley, S., Chabaux, F., Duffy, C., Lundin, L., Kram, P., Nikolaidis, N., Novak, M., Panagos, P., Ragnarsdottir, K.V., Reynolds, B., Rousseva, S., de Ruiter, P., van Gaans, P., van Riemsdijk, W., White, T. And Zhang, B. 2011. Soil processes and functions in critical zone observatories: Hypothesis and experimental design. Special section: Critical Zone Observatories. Vadose Zone Journal 10, 974-987.
Löfgren, S. & Zetterberg, T. 2011. Decreased DOC concentrations in soil water in forested areas in southern Sweden during 1987-2008. Science of the Total Environment 409:1916-1926. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.02.017
Eriksson, L.O., Löfgren, S & Öhman, K. 2011. Implications for forest management of the EU Water Framework Directive's stream water quality requirements — A modeling approach. Forest Policy and Economics, 13:284-291. doi:10.1016/j.forpol.2011.02.002.
Löfgren, S., Aastrup, M., Bringmark, L., Hultberg, H., Lewin-Pihlblad, L., Lundin, L., Pihl Karlsson, G. and Thunholm, B. 2011. Recovery of soil water, groundwater and runoff from acidification at the Swedish Integrated Monitoring catchments. Ambio 40(8):836-856. doi:10.1007/s13280-011-0207-8
Köhler, S. J., Zetterberg, T., Futter, M. N., Fölster , J. and Löfgren, S. 2011. Assessment of Uncertainty in Long-Term Mass Balances for Acidification Assessments: A MAGIC Model Exercise. Ambio 40(8): 891-905. doi:10.1007/s13280-011-0207-7
Futter, M. N., Löfgren, S., Köhler, S. J., Lundin, L., Moldan, F. & Bishop, K. 2011. Simulating Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics at the Swedish Integrated Monitoring Sites with the Integrated Catchments Model for Carbon, INCA-C. Ambio 40(8): 906-919. doi:10.1007/s13280-011-0203-z
Winterdahl, M., Temnerud, J., Futter, M. N., Löfgren, S., Moldan, F. & Bishop, K. 2011. Riparian Zone Influence on Stream Water Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations at the Swedish Integrated Monitoring Sites. Ambio 40(8): 920-930. doi:10.1007/s13280-011-0199-4
Löfgren S. (Ed.). 2011. Integrated monitoring of the environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems – IM. Annual report for 2009. Dep. Aquatic Sciences and Environment, SLU Report 2011:20, 23 pp + appendix. In Swedish. English summary.
Löfgren, S. (red.) 2010. IM årsrapport för 2008. Institutionen för vatten och miljö, SLU rapport 2010:10, 36 pp + appendix.
Dirnböck, T., Grabner, M.-T., Grandin, U., 2010. ICP IM Biodiversity assessment. In: Kleemola, S., Forsius, M. (Eds.), 19th Annual Report 2010. Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, pp. 23-26.
Lundin, L. 2010. Report of the ICP IM activities from the chairman. 26th Task Force Meeting of the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests. Meeting documents Item 3. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany 29 May – 1 June 2010. 3pp.
Lundin, L. 2010. Rapport från CLRTAP ICP-Forests 26th Task Force I Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Tyskland, 29 maj – 2 juni 2010. SLU. Uppsala. 4s.
Lundin, L. 2010. Monitoring programme and sites of the ICP Integrated Monitoring programme and its links to other transnational networks. Abstract for the International Conference on Research, monitoring and modeling in the study of climate change and air pollution impacts on forest ecosystems. 5-7 October 2010 in Rome, Italy. pp 27-28.
Löfgren, S., Cory, N. & Zetterberg, T. 2010. Aluminium concentrations in Swedish forest streams and co-variations with catchment characteristics. Environ. Mon. Assess. 166:609-624.
Löfgren, S. & Cory, N. 2010. Groundwater Al dynamics along boreal hillslopes at three integrated monitoring sites along a sulphur deposition gradient in Sweden. J. Hydrology. 380:289-297. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.11.004.
Löfgren, S., Gustafsson, J.P. & Bringmark, L. 2010. Decreasing DOC trends in soil solution along the hillslopes at the two IM sites in southern Sweden – Geochemical modelling of organic matter solubility during acidification recovery. Sci Total Environ 409-:201-210. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2010.09.023.
Futter, M.N, Keskitalo, E.C.H, Ellison, D., Pettersson M., Strom, A., Andersson, E., Nordin, J., Löfgren, S., Bishop, K. & Laudon, H. 2011. Forests, Forestry and the Water Framework Directive in Sweden: A Trans-Disciplinary Commentary. Forests 2:261-282; doi:10.3390/f2010261
Eriksson, O., Löfgren, S., Öhman, K. 2010. Implications for forestry of stream water chemical demands: an introductory study, Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, SLU Arbetsrapport vol 271
Löfgren, S. (Ed.). 2010. Integrad övervakning av miljötillståndet I svensk skogsmark – IM. årsrapport 2008. Dept. Aquatic Sciences and Environment, SLU Report 2010:10, 38 pp + appendix. English summary.
Ågren, A. & Löfgren, S. 2010. Försurningskänsliga bäckar – var, när och varför finns de? Fakta Skog Nr 8, 2010, 4pp.
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