Iva Mozgova
Plants are sessile organisms that need to respond to various biotic and abiotic stresses and adapt to environmental conditions. Plasticity in stress response pathways is connected to developmental flexibility which is demonstrated for example by high competence for organ regeneration, body plan alteration and a wide repertoire of sexual and vegetative reproduction strategies.
Research interests
I am interested in the epigenetic modulation of plant development and cell fate determination in response to environmental conditions. I have mainly focused on the importance of post-replicative chromatin assembly mediated by the histone H3 chaperone CAF-1 on genome stability and development. My current question is how Polycomb repressive complexes (PRCs) regulate the embryo-to-seedling transition and ensure stable maintenance of vegetative growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. In particular, I am interested in two main questions: (1) how is developmental fate of PRC-depleted cells modulated by abiotic stimuli and (2) how is the transition from the heterotrophic embryo to the autotrophic seedling established.
Selected publications
Mozgová I, Wildhaber T, Liu Q, Abou-Mansour E, L’Haridon F, Métraux J-P, Gruissem W, Hofius D, Hennig L. (2015) Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 represses priming of plant defence response genes. Nature Plants 1, doi:10.1038/nplants.2015.127.
Mozgová I, Köhler C, Hennig L (2015) Keeping the gate closed: Functions of the Polycomb repressive complex PRC2 in development. Plant J. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12828.
Mozgová I, Hennig L (2015) The Polycomb Group Protein Regulatory Network Annu Rev Plant Biol 66. doi: 10.1146/annurev-arplant-043014-115627.
Muchová V, Amiard S, Mozgová I, Dvořáčková M, Gallego ME, White C, Fajkus J. (2015) Homology-dependent repair is involved in 45S rDNA loss in plant CAF-1 mutants. Plant J. 81(2): 198-209.
Pontvianne F, Blevins T, Chandrasekhara C, Mozgová I, Hassel C, Pontes OM, Tucker S, Mokros P, Muchová V, Fajkus J, Pikaard CS. (2013) Subnuclear partitioning of rRNA genes between the nucleolus and nucleoplasm reflects alternative epiallelic states. Genes Dev 27(14): 1545-50.
Derkacheva M, Steinbach Y, Wildhaber T, Mozgová I, Mahrez W, Nanni P, Bischof S, Gruissem W, Hennig L. (2013) Arabidopsis MSI1 connects LHP1 to PRC2 complexes. EMBO J 32(14): 2073-85.
Mozgová I, Mokroš P, Fajkus J. (2010). Dysfunction of chromatin assembly factor 1 induces shortening of telomeres and loss of 45S rDNA in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 22(8): 2768-2780.
Mozgová I, Schrumpfová PP, Hofr C, Fajkus, J. (2008). Functional characterization of domains in AtTRB1, a putative telomere-binding protein in Arabidopsis thaliana. Phytochemistry 69(9): 1814-1819.
Email: iva.mozgova@slu.se
Tel: +46(0)18673319
Postal address:
Iva Mozgova
Department of Plant Biology
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
PO-Box 7080
SE-75007 Uppsala, Sweden
Visiting address: SLU Uppsala BioCenter, Room D-447