Peter Anderson, Professor
Institutionen för växtskyddsbiologi
Vi har ett stort utbud av forskarutbildningar inom bland annat kemisk ekologi, integrerat växtskydd och kemisk analys.
Mer om utbudet av kurser kan du läsa på LTV-fakultetens forskarskolas sida, samt på SLUs utbildningssidor.
Time: Summer 2024, 10 June - 20 June
Maximum participants: 8-12
Application deadline: May 10
Higher education credits: 6.0
Language: English
Entry requirements
The course is intended for PhD students in chemical ecology, analytical chemistry, ecology or related fields. Postdocs and M.Sc. students are also welcome.
Compulsory introduction on Zoom ca two weeks in advance. All participants are also required to do some homework before the first day on campus.
Learning outcomes
After completion of the course, the students should:
Objectives and content
The course contains a combination of online training, lectures, workshops, practical exercises and literature seminars.
The lectures will cover methods of extraction of organic compounds, such as aeration, SPE, SPME and choices of organic solvents, as well as chromatography techniques such as liquid chromatography and gas chromatography. Modern identification methods in chemical ecology, including HR-GC/MS and MS/MS will be covered.
The practical exercises include workshops, covering for example sample preparation, analysis of samples using GC-MS and interpretation of electron impact mass spectra.
Pedagogical form
The course has a practical focus with hands-on laboratory exercises, while also containing preparatory online exercises and major elements of lectures, student-run workshops literature seminars and tests.
Time table
The course is scheduled full time for two weeks (minus the last Friday). Generally, there are lectures in the mornings (ca 9-12), followed by workshops, seminars or practical laboratory exercises in the afternoons (ca 13-17). About two weeks before the first lecture, there will be a two-hour Zoom start-up meeting where pre-study material will be handed out.
The students will be continuously examined throughout the practical moments of the course. All students are required to pass diagnostic tests throughout the course. At the end of the course, they must be capable of individually operating GC-MS instruments and demonstrate knowledge gained through the practical exercises.
Furthermore, they are required to present their results from the workshops and practical exercises, and discuss each other’s results.
Contact for application and further information
Björn Bohman, bjorn.bohman@slu.se
Dates to be announced
Number of higher education credits
3.0 Credits
Entry requirements
The course is intended for PhD students in chemical ecology, analytical chemistry, ecology or related fields.
Learning outcomes
After completion of the course, the students should:
Contact for application and further information
Peter Anderson, Professor
Institutionen för växtskyddsbiologi