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SLU Landscape

A cross-institutional network for collaboration and joint profiling of work done in the landscape area at SLU. One of the largest environments for research and teaching in landscape architecture in Europe.

Call for Forums

SLU Landscape invites researchers and teachers to apply for funding to organize and run forums that focus on current issues in the landscape field.

A tree in a forest

Teaching Forum

The SLU Landscape Teaching Synergy Forum is a collaborative forum for SLU's educators in the Landscape area.

PhD Forum

SLU Landscape PhD forum is a collaborative network for PhD students in the landscape field.

writing retreat

Forum for reflective practice and design research

A capacity building initiative to strengthen reflective practice and design research at SLU



Department of Urban and Rural Development

The Department of Urban and Rural Development includes five divisions: Landscape Architecture, Rural Development, Environmental Communication, Environmental Integration, and Agrarian History. It hosts the Swedish Centre for Nature Interpretation and the SLU Future Food research platform.

Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management

The department hosts four research groups: Landscape Planning, Urban Vegetation, Governance and Management, Design of Urban Landscapes and offers education in the fields of Landscape Architecture, Landscape Engineering, Horticultural Management, Garden Design and Sustainable Urban Management.

Department of People and Society

The Environmental psychology research group at the Department of People and Society includes landscape-related basic and applied research on outdoor environments with a particular focus on their influence on health and well-being, quality of life and development.

SLU Urban Futures

Instated in 2017, SLU Urban Futures is one of four Future Platforms at SLU that aims to identify knowledge needs through transdisciplinary work modes and develop new research questions related to the sustainability of future urban landscapes.

From Pixlapiren in Helsingborg.

Movium Think Tank

Established in 1980, the Movium Think Tank aims to develop and disseminate knowledge on outdoor urban environments, to contribute to sustainable societal development from the point of view of urban life and culture. Operating as an outreach organization to bring research and practice closer together, Movium supports collaboration between academia and society.

Movium logo
Published: 06 November 2024 - Page editor: marc.malmqvist@slu.se

SLU Landscape
SLU Landscape operates as a cross-institutional network for collaboration and joint profiling of work done in the landscape subject area at SLU. It is one of the largest environments for research and teaching in landscape architecture in Europe. 

