World Food Prize Foundation seeks nominations

Senast ändrad: 16 juni 2021

The World Food Prize Foundation is seeking nominations to fill two Young Professional seats on our Council of Advisors to expand the diversity of perspectives and expertise within the Council.

The World Food Prize Foundation is seeking nominations to fill two Young Professional seats on our Council of Advisors to expand the diversity of perspectives and expertise within the Council. As a valued partner of the World Food Prize Foundation, we are specifically asking all participated in Youth Institutes  to nominate alumni for this exciting opportunity! 

The World Food Prize Foundation maintains a Council of Advisors (COA), comprised of distinguished leaders and experts providing the Foundation Board and President Stinson with insights and advice on advancing the mission of the organization and Dr. Norman Borlaug’s vision for the World Food Prize Foundation.

To be eligible for nomination, the person must meet the following criteria:

  • Ages 18-30 
  • Alumni of one or more of the following WFPF programs:
    • Youth Institute (as a Borlaug Scholar or Group Leader)
    • Global Youth Institute (as a Delegate or Group Leader)
    • Borlaug-Ruan Intern
    • Wallace-Carver Fellow
    • George Washington Carver Intern 
  • Agree to serve a two-year term, attend two regular meetings each year, and regularly consult with the President and COA 

Candidate qualities and demonstrated abilities:

  • Strong communication skills, both written and verbal
  • Ability to advocate or advance an issue
  • Ability to collaborate within a multidisciplinary group
  • Relevant experience in food, agriculture, and/or hunger alleviation

If you would like to nominate a Young Professional for this exciting opportunity, please complete the following steps by EOB Tuesday, July 6th:

1) Submit a nomination form (PDF of questions attached). We highly recommend that you complete this with the person you are recommending so all answers include the candidate’s full perspective and experience.  
2) Submit their Resume or Curriculum Vitae to with the subject title "Council of Advisors Nomination."

If you have any questions regarding this opportunity, please feel free to contact Kelsey Tyrrell, Director of Youth Leadership Development, at

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För mer information, vänligen kontakta koordinatorerna på

Anna-Klara Lindeborg (koordinator Uppsala):
Telefon: +46-(0)18-67 12 30

Kristina Karlsson Green (koordinator Skåne): 
Telefon: +46-(0)40-41 53 02

Elisabeth Nyström (koordinator Umeå)
Telefon: +46-(0)90-786 82 38