Doktorand Lea Managos

Senast ändrad: 05 februari 2024
Porträttbild på Lea Managos. Foto.

Lea studies watering strategies in cattle and hopes to provide solutions for farmers in times of water scarcity, to decrease water footprint and to contribute to more sustainable food production and preparedness.

I am an Animal scientist from the Czech Republic. I received my master’s degree in Animal Science from SLU in 2021.

I have some experience working and performing analyses in a laboratory and working as a veterinary nurse in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, I have worked in dairy and pig farms as an animal keeper both in the Czech Republic and in Sweden and more specifically as a stable technician in a pig research facility at Lövsta, SLU.

Becoming a researcher was my main goal and dream when I moved to Sweden. I am very motivated to work on a project that can be useful to farmers and improve Swedish agriculture. Climate change, droughts and water scarcity are becoming an issue in many parts of the world including Sweden. We need to consider what our animals will drink in the future if we want to reduce the water footprint of agriculture. This position will allow me to contribute to finding solutions on how to reduce the farms' water footprint and help farmers adapt to extreme weather events.

In SustAinimal I appreciate to be part of interdisciplinary cooperation, share knowledge and develop necessary skills that will help me to successfully finish my doctoral studies.

I want to find and provide solutions for farmers in times of water scarcity, to decrease water footprint and to contribute to more sustainable food production and preparedness in Sweden. Potable water is becoming more and more scarce in some parts of the world, thus it is important to find alternative water sources for cattle to sustain animal production. Using alternative sources of water allows us to graze remote areas, which will increase biodiversity and improve the landscape. It is important to provide solutions and safety for farmers in times of droughts. 

Se en film om Leas doktorandprojekt


Lea Managos, Doktorand, Stalltekniker, Stalltekniker tjl
Institutionen för husdjurens biovetenskaper (HBIO), HBIO, Anatomi och fysiologi, +46722380077