Ny sökning

Ledarskap och hållbarhet

Information från kursledaren

A warm welcome to the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the course Leadership and sustainability!

Below, you will find general information about the student account, registration for the course and other practical information.

The student account

You will need your student account to access e.g. your e-mail, Ladok and Canvas. For information regarding how to create your student account, follow this link: https://student.slu.se/en/study-support/it-support/support/new-student---start/

Registration for the course

Self-registration for the course is done in Ladok between 2023-10-17–2023-10-31. Remember that you must be admitted and registered in Ladok to be able take the course. Having access to Canvas does not mean you are registered in the course and without registration, you are risking losing your place in the course. If you have been admitted to the course with conditions, you need to send your credit list to the course leader who will review it and decide if you can register. Do this as soon as possible as reviewing credits may take a few days due to the course start.

Educational support

If you are entitled extra educational support, please inform the course leader at the start of the course so that special arrangements can be made.

For educational support for an exam, see instructions in the exam registration in Ladok Student. You need to register for alternative exam arrangements no later than 10 workings days prior to the examination day. More information here: https://student.slu.se/en/study-support/study-support/funka/.

Discontinuation of a course

If you want to discontinue the course, you should immediately notify the educational administrators at econ-edu@slu.se, who in turn will inform the course leader and register a non-completion of the course in Ladok after your approval. You are also able to register an early non-completion of the course (within three weeks after course start) in Ladok yourself.


You need to register for exams in Ladok. The registration closes 10 working days prior to the exam. You can find your anonymity code in Ladok Student. It's not possible to register for the exam after the deadline has passed.

On Wednesdays between 12:30-14:30 we have an exam hand out at the department (Ulls hus, 4th floor). Please remember to bring your ID-card.


Do not hesitate to contact us at econ-edu@slu.se if you have any questions!

Kind regards,
The educational administrators


Kursvärderingen är avslutad

FÖ0421-20167 - Sammanställning av kursvärdering

Efter att kursvärderingen stängt har kursansvarig och studentrepresentanten upp till en månad på sig att skriva kommentarer. De publiceras automatiskt i sammanställningen.

Andra kursvärderingar för FÖ0421

Läsåret 2022/2023

Ledarskap och hållbarhet (FÖ0421-20089)

2022-11-01 - 2023-01-15

Läsåret 2021/2022

Ledarskap och hållbarhet (FÖ0421-20115)

2021-11-02 - 2022-01-16

Läsåret 2020/2021

Ledarskap och hållbarhet (FÖ0421-20115)

2020-11-02 - 2021-01-17

Läsåret 2019/2020

Ledarskap och hållbarhet (FÖ0421-20076)

2019-11-01 - 2020-01-19

Läsåret 2018/2019

Ledarskap och hållbarhet (FÖ0421-20137)

2018-11-05 - 2019-01-20

Läsåret 2017/2018

Ledarskap och hållbarhet (FÖ0421-20036)

2017-10-30 - 2018-01-14

Läsåret 2016/2017

Ledarskap och hållbarhet (FÖ0421-20025)

2016-10-31 - 2017-01-15

Kursplan och övrig information


Sustainable development and leadership

Kuhlman, T. and Farrington, J. (2010). What is Sustainability? Sustainability, 2, pp. 3436–3448.

Hopwood, B., Mellor, M. and O’Brien, G. (2005). Sustainable Development: Mapping Different Approaches. Sustainable Development, 13, pp. 38–52.

Leadership in practice

Metcalf, L. and Benn, S. (2013). Leadership for sustainability: An evolution of leadership ability. *Journal *of business ethics, 112, pp. 369–384.

Nicholson, J. and Kurucz, E. (2019). Relational leadership for sustainability: Building an ethical framework from the moral theory of ‘ethics of care’. Journal of Business Ethics, 156, pp. 25–43.

Visser, W. and Courtice, P. (2011). Sustainability leadership: Linking theory and practice. *Available at *SSRN 1947221.

Green HRM

Haddock-Millar, J., Sanyal, C. and Müller-Camen, M. (2016). Green human resource management: a comparative qualitative case study of a United States multinational corporation. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(2), pp. 192–211.

Renwick, D.W., Redman, T. and Maguire, S. (2013). Green human resource management: A review and 
research agenda. International journal of management reviews, 15(1), pp. 1–14.

Views on CSR

Carroll A.B. (1999). Corporate social responsibility. Business and Society 38(3), pp. 268–295.

Jamali, D. and Mirshak, R. (2007). Corporate social responsibility (CSR): Theory and practice in a developing country context. Journal of business ethics, 72(3), pp. 243–262.

Visser, W. (2011). The age of responsibility: CSR 2.0 and the new DNA of business. John Wiley & Sons.

Leadership and critical thinking

Alvesson, M. (2003). Critical organization theory, (Eds), Czarniawska, B. and Sevón, G., *The Northern *Light – Organization theory in Scandinavia, Malmö: Liber, pp. 151-174.

Alvesson, M. and Spicer, A. (2012). Critical leadership studies: the case for critical performativity, Human Relations, 65(3), pp. 367–390.

Alvesson, M. and Spicer, A. (2012). A stupidity-based theory of organizations, *Journal of Management *Studies, 49(7), pp. 1194–1220.

Bendell, J., Sutherland, N. and Little, R. (2017). Beyond unsustainable leadership: critical social theory for sustainable leadership. Sustainability accounting, management and policy journal (Print), 8(4), pp. 418–444.

Collinson, D. (2014). Dichotomies, dialectics and dilemmas: New directions for critical leadership studies? Leadership (London, England), 10(1), pp. 36–55.

Parker, M. and Thomas, R. (2011). What is a critical journal? Organization, 18(4), pp. 419–427.


Kursen ges som en fristående kurs: Ja Kursen ges som en programkurs: Miljöekonomi och företagsledning - masterprogram Agrar ekonomi och företagsledning - masterprogram Agronomprogrammet - ekonomi Kursavgift: Studieavgift, endast för medborgare utanför EU, EES, och Schweiz: 26170 SEK Nivå: Avancerad nivå (A1N)
Ämne: Företagsekonomi Företagsekonomi
Kurskod: FÖ0421 Anmälningskod: SLU-20167 Plats: Uppsala Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för ekonomi Studietakt: 100%